How to prevent pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infectious lung disease that can be caused by a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, which can endanger life in serious cases. The following are…

The treatment of pneumonia

Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease in the lungs and can be caused by a variety of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, trigenes and fungi, with different treatments depending on the…

Treatment of parageny pneumonia

Pneumonia is a pneumonia disease caused by the pneumoctopaths, the most common treatment being:I. Anti-infection treatment • Great Encycloester Antibiotics • Achicillin: a common drug for treating paragen pneumonia. Archiccin…

Treatment of allergy pneumonia

Allergy pneumonia is a more clinically complex syndrome. The process requires a combination of the patient ' s medical history, symptoms, assistive examinations and therapeutic responses. The following is a…

Pneumonia treatment case sharing

Pneumonia is a common low-respiratory infectious disease that is complex and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or other pathogens. Their treatment effects are closely related to early diagnosis,…