In the organs of the human body, the skin is like a mirror, intuitively reflecting our state of health. It is not only the first line of physical resistance to…
In modern societies, health concerns are increasing, and anti-bacterial products are thus widely used in every corner of everyday life. From antibacterial hand washing fluids, detergents to antibacterial plastics, textiles,…
The identification and prevention of acute distress is faced with many tests of our health in the context of the accelerating pace of modern life. Both cardiovascular and infectious diseases…
In modern societies, health concerns are increasing, and anti-bacterial products are thus widely used in every corner of everyday life. From antibacterial hand washing fluids, detergents to antibacterial plastics, textiles,…
The influenza pandemic (known as influenza) is an acute respiratory epidemic caused by influenza viruses and is characterized by rapid transmission and widespread infections. Influenza A (type A), B (type…
In the rheumatism ward and clinic, a hidden health threat is often ignored, namely osteoporosis. Many patients with rheumatizing diseases are experiencing a “crisis” within their bones as they struggle…
Dry syndrome is an autoimmune disease, mainly excretion and excrete, which is exacerbated by the drying of the autumn and winter seasons. Therefore, protection during autumn and winter festivals is…
In life, infection is a headache, whether it's a small cold or a more serious wound infection, which causes our bodies to be uncomfortable and affects our normal lives. But,…
In modern life, metabolism-related fatty liver disease (MFLD) is becoming a common health problem. This disease, formerly known as non-alcoholic fat hepatitis disease (NAFLD), is now on the rise in…