Can rheumatism be hot?

Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunological disease that causes arthritis, pain and rigidity. For RA patients, managing symptoms and improving the quality of life are key objectives of treatment. Of the…

Early signs of rheumatism.

Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunological disease, with early manifestations often associated with finger joints. Since the symptoms of the finger joints may be the initial signals of RA, understanding of…

Rheumatism is not enough.

Rheumatism arthritis (RA) is a chronic self-immunological disease that mainly affects the glitch of the joint, resulting in pain, swelling and potential joint damage. While drug treatment is a critical…

How does rheumatism develop?

Rheumatism arthritis (RA) is a chronic self-immunological disease that develops in a complex and human-specific manner. The following are typical stages of development and mechanisms for RA: 1. Initial phase…

Is it effective to fight rheumatism?

It is a highly effective biological agent that is widely used in rheumatism treatment.Rheumatism is a chronic, systematic, self-immunological disease characterized by symmetrical, multi-coastal inflammation that can cause joint pain,…