Temperature drops. How do people get warm?

Temperature drops. How do people get warm?

Warming becomes an important part of day-to-day care for people with typhoids as seasons change, temperatures fall sharply, and cold winds become cold. Despite being a disease that affects skin colours, white flurries do not diminish the ability of patients to regulate their body temperature, but may be more susceptible to colds due to skin sensitivity to UV and the loss of colours in some skin areas. As a result, in cold weather, typhoid patients are more likely to focus on scientific heating in order to maintain their health and prevent discomfort or complications caused by cold.

Multilevel dress: Lock warm

In cold times, the use of multi-level clothing is key to keeping warm. The inner layer selects the elements of air and sweat, such as pure cotton clothing, in order to keep the body dry; the mid-level selects wool, velvet or synthetic fibre clothing with a high heating capacity, which effectively locks up the body temperature; and the outer layer selects windproof, waterproof coats to protect the external cold and wet air. Such clothing not only works well, but also allows flexibility in adjusting the number of layers to internal and external temperature differences to avoid excessive heating leading to sweating.

02 Protection of exposure: Local strengthening

The lack of colored parts of white fluent patients is particularly sensitive to cold, such as face, hand, foot, etc. These areas therefore require special heating. When going out, you can wear a hat, scarf, gloves, choose a warmer socks, and use skin protections with a wet component to prevent the dry break of your skin. For the hand, the use of a warm gloves or a finger kit may be considered, both to keep warm and to facilitate daily activities.

Home heating: creating a warm environment

Maintaining the appropriate indoor temperature is particularly important for typhoid patients. The indoor temperature is kept within a comfortable range to avoid cold or overheating, using equipment such as heating, heaters or air conditioning. At the same time, take care of indoor ventilation, keep the air fresh and reduce the growth of bacteria and viruses. In addition, the use of humidifiers to maintain indoor humidity helps to prevent dry skin and to reduce skin discomfort caused by cold drying.

04 Dietary regulation: increased calorie intake

In cold weather, the body needs more heat to maintain body temperature. People with white phoenix can increase caloric intake through dietary regulation, such as foods of high calorie and protein, such as meat, fish, nuts and beans. At the same time, food rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, is consumed to increase body immunity and to resist cold.

In addition, moderate sports not only contribute to physical improvement, but also to blood circulation and physical resilience. Indoor exercise, such as yoga, Tai Chi or gymnasium, can be chosen to avoid outdoor exercise in extremely cold or windy weather, thus increasing skin burdens. Pre- and post-sport care to warm up and stretch to prevent physical injury.

The PRP-CK national pigmentine transplant uses the special features of self-skin, non-spectrum, non-exposure, light skin loss, high survival rate, and white-coloured nature. In particular, it is suited to the persistent and stubborn white wind.