Temperatures are usually characterized by severe cold, light fever, no sweat, headaches, body sores, weak feet, snorting, sneezes, coughing and sneezes, dry or hot mouths, mossy tongues or thin mosses, tight veins or dazzling. These symptoms are due to an outburst of the cold and a loss of lungs. The treatment of cold and cold is based on the principle that Chinese medicine treats cold and cold. Commonly used Chinese drugs include cold scaffolding, scaffolding, scrambling, propane pulmonary pills, scaffolding, and scintillants. After treatment, hot congee or hot soup is recommended to help with the slight sweating to help spread the cold. The following measures can be taken to prevent cold and cold: 2. The environment is clean and clean and the room is regularly ventilated. 3. Increased physical activity, physical fitness and resilience of the body. 4. Actively treat primary diseases by improving the immune function of the organism through Chinese medical treatment for people with basic diseases and those with lower levels of immunity. 5. When irritated by the cold, drink some ginger soup, red sugar, etc. in time to remove the cold from the body and avoid a cold. The Chinese doctor also recommends a number of therapeutic methods to mitigate the cold, such as: ginger radish soup: 25 grams of ginger, 50 grams of radish, red sugar after cooking with water, which has the effect of spreading the cold. Onion soup: 2 onions, 10 grams of beans, boiled with water and added onions and sauce, with the effect of detonating the cold. The symptoms of wind fever and flu are usually the following: heat, wind, headache, sweat. Throat pain, cough, sticky or yellow. Nasal slugs and thirst. Red on the tip of the tongue, white and yellow on the moss. Throat pains, usually before flu symptoms, are usually yellow or black. Fluid, usually yellow. The moss is yellow and possibly white, and the gill is usually red. It’s constipated, hot, thirsty, upset. Pulses are usually a number of veins or flood veins, i.e. pulses are faster and larger than normal. The treatments for wind fever and flu include, among other things, i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i.e., i., i., i., i.e., i., i., i., i., i.e., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i., i. 2. Coughs and coughs when they are severe: oral accelerants, such as accelerants, and accelerants, such as bamboo asphalt, are needed to stop coughing. 3. Acupuncture therapy: the treatment is a hysterectomy, dominated by the use of tasting, the luminous and luminous hand and the artery, and the treatment of caves, such as wind ponds, vertebrates, suns, columns, coyote, curvettes, styres, etc., is based on laxis. 4. Sprinkled canisters: select vertebrae, column, pulmonary pulmonary plume, wind-gate position, sterilisation followed by a trifle point for blood, followed by a fire canister on the lavender for 10 minutes in order to clear the heat. Food treatments for cold and wind fever. 2. Three bouquets of tea: 15 grams of gold and silver, 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 3 grams of jasmine, boiling water for drink. 3. Double fruit: 30 grams of gold and silver, 15 grams of chrysanthemum, 10 grams of mountains, 30 grams of honey, and when the water is fried for honey. 4. Watermelon tomato juice: watermelon, tomato ration, and co-drinking. 5. Hangstery tea: 30 g Hangster sugar, appropriate white sugar, drink after impregnated water. Green bean congee: 50 g green beans, 100 g corn, glucose, porridge. 7. Sugar cane: Sexual coolness, which has the effect of deheating, is suitable for use by people with wind and cold. 8. Suffering melons: They are bitter, they are cool, they are detoxified, and they are suitable for use by people with wind and cold. 9. Sydney: It is a pulmonary accelerator and is suitable for use by people with flu.
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