The genital coronal of the chicken, beware of the sharp, wet tatter.

The genital coronal of the chicken, beware of the sharp, wet tatter.

The coronation of the genitals increases life, and many feel the greatest confusion or fear.

Under normal circumstances, the experts described the genitals (skin, penis, tortoise, lip, vagina, vagina) as smooth, non-stained, non-swollen and non-aching. However, when there are abnormalities in the genitals of male and female sex patients, such as puss, rashes, and pheasant organisms, it is likely that they are caused by acute wetting, which must be given sufficient attention. It is essential that symptoms be detected at an early stage of the medical examination so that they do not deteriorate to make later treatment more difficult.

What shape is there other than a chicken crown?

The genie grass, the chicken corona, the nipple pelvis. Itchyness indicates the presence of particles, septs and the smell of decay, of which the raisins are most common.

The sharp wetting of the argon and all that.

It affects the harmony of couples.

Since acute hysteria is a sexually transmitted disease, it places a serious burden on the patient ‘ s mental well-being. It creates mutual suspicion between spouses, destroys the couple ‘ s feelings and affects family harmony.

It’s easily carcinogenic.

In the absence of timely access to a regular hospital for patients with acute hysteria, there will be a disease when the condition increases, and acute hysteria, which remains untreated or inexhaustible, is highly susceptible to cancer.

It’s contagious.

Because of the extremely contagious nature of the acute irradiated argon, it can be transmitted to others by various means, such as having sexual relations with the patient or having contact with objects used by the patient. It’s all contagious.

It had an impact on the baby.

If a pregnant woman suffers from hysteria in the reproductive tract, at the time of delivery, the newborn child comes out of the delivery lane and is infected with a sharp hysteria, which can be seen to be harmful not only to the patient but also to the next generation. Add a doctor ‘ s badge – letter: jrsys, one-on-one free consultation online.

Nanjing Yuja Institute of HIV Medicine published a paper in the Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences, 2019, on the use of patented Chinese prescriptions to treat a huge anal cylindrical hysteria.

Nanjing Yuja Institute of Viral Neoplasm Medicine published a paper in 2021, Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences: An example of an ex-baptation therapy for sharp-wetting children

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