Artitis is a chronic, non-specific disease of the main aortic arteries and their main branches. The disease often occurs silently, but has many serious effects on the patient ‘ s body. The cause of the disease is not yet fully clear. However, the medical community is generally of the view that it is closely related to its own immune response. The human immune system, which was supposed to be a guardian against an alien pathogen, had erroneously attacked its own large artery walls in cases of artery. Genetic factors have also played a role in this process, with a tendency to develop a family disease. In addition, the infection factor may be a fuse that induces major aneurysm, and infections such as tuberculosis bacterium and streptococcus may trigger an abnormal immune response to the organism. From a pathological point of view, arterial arthritis is mainly the inflammation of the entire vascular wall. Early inflammation occurs in the inner, membrane and outer membranes of the arterial wall, where inflammation occurs in inflammating cells such as lymphocytes, plasma cells, etc. As the condition evolves, the vascular wall grows thick, leading to a narrow and even closed cavity. Such changes can seriously affect the normal circulation of blood. For example, when tired and carotid, there is a lack of blood in the brain, and the patient may suffer from symptoms such as dizziness, blackness or even fainting; in the case of renal artery, there is a renal hemorrhage, leading to hypertension, and long-term constriction of the renal artery may also affect the kidney function. The clinical performance of artery is diverse. At an early stage of a disease, patients may feel only low-heat, low-power, sweat-throwing, weight loss and other non-specific general symptoms, which can easily be ignored. When the blood vessels are narrow or closed to a certain degree, there are symptoms of local ischaemic. Declining or non-detectable upper limb blood pressure, while elevated lower limb blood pressure, is a typical expression of the tiring of the active bow. If he/she is tired and coronary artery, he/she may have a heart ache, as if he/she were crushed by a large stone in the chest. Diagnosis of arthritis is not easy. Doctors need to synthesize the symptoms and signs of the patient and identify them with laboratory and video tests. Blood tests reveal abnormalities in inflammation indicators such as blood sunk and C-reacting protein rises. Visual examinations such as angiography, magnetic resonance vascular imaging (MRA) and computer tortography (CTA) clearly show the extent, extent and extent of vascular disease. In terms of treatment, it is mainly to control inflammation and improve blood transport. Sugar cortex hormones are common drugs during disease activity and can effectively contain inflammatory responses. Immunosuppressants are also used jointly for patients with severe or hormonal conditions. Angioplasty may require vascular reconstruction operations, such as hysterectomy, and hysterectomy in the cortical cavity, when blood transport has been severely affected by vascular narrowness. Artitis is a complex and more harmful disease. Patients need long-term treatment and monitoring, and we look forward to further medical research to find more effective treatments that will help patients to alleviate their suffering and restore their health.
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