Heart failure, which is a heart disease, primarily refers to the failure of the heart to function properly, resulting in inadequate blood supply of tissues and organs throughout the body. The widely used treatment for this disease is cardiac resonance (CRT), which uses electricity to stimulate the heart of the patient, so that the constrictive rhythm of the heart can return to normal, thus improving the function of the heart and mitigating the symptoms of heart failure. And then we’re going to talk about the heart resynchronisation of heart failure patients.I. The concept of cardiac resynchronisationIn clinical practice, many moderate-heavy heart failure patients are found to have problems of cystal constriction, which is similar to a lack of synchronization in the team rowing process, and if members do not agree on the pace, the ship will not be able to move fast, and may even turn in situ. Similarly, cardiac constrictions in patients with cardiac failure, including different steps within the heart and the heart, the right and the left, can seriously affect the function of the heart. The synchronous treatment of the heart is mainly synchronizing the electrodes in the right-heart, right-heart, and left-heart (using the outer-cardiogram path) and in order to activate the heart room and the right-to-heart, so as to achieve the synchronization of the condensation of the heart.The heart resynchronisation treatment is centred on the implantation of a pacemaker to achieve the aim of synchronous retrenchment of the heart walls through electric stimulation, which in turn reduces the pressure on the heart, improves the patient ‘ s symptoms and the function of the heart. This treatment, which is mainly applied to patients with heart failure and is accompanied by expansion of the left heart chamber and constriction disorders, consists of three important steps: the implantation of pacemakers, the positioning and calibration of electrodes, and the adjustment and optimization of pacemakers.II. The role of cardiac resynchronisationThe synchronous treatment of the heart has at this stage proved to be a safe and effective way of treating heart failure. By resynchronizing the heart, the burden on the heart can be significantly reduced and the patient ‘ s clinical symptoms and heart function can be effectively improved, leading to a significant improvement in the quality of life. In cases of heart failure, full and accurate assessment and pre-operative preparation are required prior to treatment, and periodic review is required after the operation, and the relevant parameters for the pacemaker are adjusted in a timely manner. Convergence between heart and heart, through scientific and sound management and treatment, can effectively help patients to control their condition while improving their quality of life and regaining a healthy and happy life.The effects of cardiac resynchronisation are reflected in the improvement of cardiac constriction and the re-organisation of the heart. The heart burden is significantly reduced by boosting the patient ‘ s myocardial condensation, making the heart drain more effective. Cardiac reorganisation refers primarily to changes in the size and shape of the heart room, which, by means of electrical irritation from the pacemaker, can facilitate the re-establishment of the cardiac reorganisation to its normal state, thus further reducing the load of the heart, regulating parameters related to blood flow mechanics and mitigating the symptoms of the patient. Consynthetic heart re-treatment as a treatment involving multidisciplinary cooperation is an important method in the field of heart failure treatment, which requires the participation of specialists such as cardiologists, cardiosurgeons and cardiophysiologists, who, in the course of their treatment of patients with heart failure, develop and implement targeted treatments based on their specific condition. In addition to this, the conditions applicable to patients in the case of synchronous heart re-treatment need to be judged: there are serious heart failure symptoms; expansion of the left heart chamber; QRS wave time exceeds 120 ms; the symptoms remain serious after medication.The combination of heart re-treatment is a relatively safe treatment, but there are also risks and limitations that may cause complications such as infection, haemorrhage and damage to the surrounding tissue during implantation, requiring doctors to have more extensive experience and skills, taking into account the specific circumstances of the patient. In addition, in the course of treatment with a pacemaker, patients may be exposed to problems such as abnormal pacemaker functions and electrodes, requiring regular follow-up and adjustment. It is important to note that not all patients with heart failure are fit for heart resynchronisation.Summary:In the light of the above, the synchronous treatment of the heart is an important method of treatment for patients with heart failure, which is safe and effective and can significantly improve the patient ‘ s symptoms and heart function, while the quality of life of the patient will be significantly improved. However, close cooperation between the patient and the doctor is required during the treatment process, regular follow-up visits are required and treatment programmes adjusted to ensure long-term treatment. For people suffering from heart failure, the timely provision of synchronous heart re-treatment is essential to help them to recover from the scourge of disease and to restore healthy and happy lives.
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