Diabetes is a metabolic disease due to insulin inoculation or insulin disorders, and dietary control is essential for diabetes patients. Today, let’s talk about the kind of meat that diabetics should avoid eating.
I. High cholesterol meat: pig liver, pig belly. The internal organs of animals such as liver and belly are nutritionally abundant, but cholesterol is extremely high. For diabetics, overingestion of cholesterol increases the risk of lipid metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Such food should therefore be as low as possible.
High fat meat: pig hoof, pig elbow. Pig hoofs and pig elbows are loved by many with their unique taste and rich gelatinic proteins, but they are also high-fat foods. Diabetes are not only harmful to blood sugar control, but may also lead to increased body weight, further exacerbating the condition.
High-heat meat: Fat cattle, fat sheep. Meats such as fat cattle and sheep, while delicious and juicy, have higher fat content. The long-term high intake of these foods increases the fat in the body and affects the stability of blood sugar. Diabetes should therefore, as far as possible, choose skinny meat, such as rib, spinal, etc.
Fry, fried meat. In addition to the high fat content of the meat from fried oils, fried oils and souffles, carcinogens may also be produced during repeated use. These high-fat foods lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, which is undoubtedly exacerbated for diabetics. V. Animal leather: pig skin, chicken skin. Animal leather foods such as pig hides, chicken skins, etc. also contain large amounts of grease and are not conducive to blood sugar control. Diabetes patients should avoid, to the extent possible, eating such food in order to avoid aggravating conditions. In addition to the meat option, diabetes patients should keep their diet low and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as soybean sprouts, barley and cucumbers. The low sugar and calorie levels of these foods contribute to the stability of blood sugar. At the same time, proper exercise, standard medicine and regular monitoring of blood sugar are essential. Dietary control for diabetes patients is a long and difficult task. But as long as we have the right food and practice, we will be able to overcome disease and enjoy a healthy life.