The medical examination found out how to deal with the pulmonary knot? As a result of the increased health awareness and the widespread use of the CT in the chest, particularly the high-resolution CT at low doses, many people have found themselves having “pulmonary knots” in their medical examinations. Many patients see the pulmonary nodes, and when they learn of them first, they are considered to be manifestations of malignant tumours of lung cancer, which tend to be very stressful, causing anxiety and panic. So, what’s the pulmonary knot? What are we gonna do with the pulmonary knot?What’s a pulmonary knot?First of all, it is clear what is called a pulmonary knot, which refers to the visual appearance of a 3 cm in diameter of the lung, a cylindrical, denser physical or sub-physical pulmonary shading, which can be isolated or multiprecipitous, free of the pulmonary lymphoma, swollen pulmonary lymphoma and chest cavity. The pulmonary knot shown in the images may be merely inflammation, carbon, lymphocytes, or manifestation of nodules or tumours.Pneumonia Section Classification1. The classification according to density is divided into: physical nodes: high-density nodes that cover normal pulmonary tissues; partial nosages: nosages that have both physical density and a grinding glass sample density; grinding glass nodes: glass-like nosages that do not fully cover the pulmonary tissues in the fuzzy pulmonary form.By size, it is divided into: 1 cm < diameter < 3 cm; lung ~ 5 m diameter ~ 1 cm; and lung < 5 m diameter.There are different treatment strategies for different types of knots.The microleasing section (<5mm diameter) is not addressed and is recommended for annual review if the patient has a high-risk factor.The nodal section (5 mm ≤1 cm in diameter) establishes a follow-up cycle based on the risk level of the pulmonary knot and whether the patient has a high risk factor. The potential for malignation is usually taken into account when, in the course of observation, it is observed that the nodals are growing, realistic components, etc.Lung Festival (1cm < diameter 3cm) should be attended by experienced experts as early as possible.Which groups of people need regular screening?The groups requiring regular pulmonary hysteria screening are: one, 40-year-olds with any of the following risk factors; two, long-term smokers, 20 packs of cylindrical smokers per year (or 400 packs per year) or 20 packs of past smokers per year (or 400 packs per year), with a cessation time of 8mm’s partial physical section, PET-CT tests, non-surgery biopsies or surgical removal are performed if they persist at the time of the 3rd month review of CT.Artificial intelligence?Artificial intelligence can mark the location, size, nature, bad judgment, etc. of suspicious nodes in seconds, increase the detection rate of pulmonary nostrils and reduce errors and omissions in artificial identification. However, not all pulmonary knots detected by artificial intelligence are clinical in nature and require further medical interpretation. Clinical doctors decide whether or not to follow up, in accordance with the timing of the pulmonary knot, the patient ‘ s own condition and the degree of risk of the pulmonary knot (based on signs such as the form of the knot, edge, density, internal structure, changes in the surrounding structure, small bronchial tubes within the knot, small vascular changes, changes in post-density changes, etc.). Malignant knots tend to have a number of special manifestations, such as foliage, stabbing, vascular clustering, pleural traction, and one or more signs, and to decide whether or not to follow the treatment, puncture, digestion, release, chemotherapy, target direction, immunology or surgery.It is worth noting that most doctors would recommend follow-up visits to the pulmonary knots after they have been discovered, during which the images of multiple examinations would need to be compared, and that, given the differences in the conditions and measurement methods of the different hospitals, it would be preferable for the patient to follow up in the same hospital. Lung Festival
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