The pain of a knife cut in the throat caused by a cough.

Patient story: 5 years of pain

Mr. Liu, 54 years old, who had coughed five years earlier, suffered from severe pain in the right ear as if he had been electrocuted. Since then, such pain has afflicted him for many years, which, whether eating, drinking water, coughing or even salivating, can cause severe pain in the throat, tongue, ears, as if it were torn apart by something.

He had undergone surgery in a hospital to cure the disease (not remembering what it was), but the pain had not been alleviated. Two months ago, Mr. Liu ‘ s pain was aggravated by the fact that he had found Prof. Kang Haitao, a group of medical experts dealing with cranial neurological disorders in the Siane court, who, following a preliminary assessment, had diagnosed her with a neurological pain in her tongue and performed a microvascular decompression procedure, which was repeated at the clinic this morning (on Thursday) and which he described as having disappeared since the surgery.

What’s the larvae?

Prof. Kang Haitao described the feeling that the tongue-breath nerve primarily dominates the throat. Neural ache of the larvae is a chord of acute pain that occurs in the nervous area of the larvae, usually after the age of 40. The nature of the pain is similar to that of the trident nerve pain, but the neurological pain of the larvae occurs on one side of the tongue, the throat, the tonsils, the root of the ear, and the back of the jaw, mainly expressed in the pain of the ear, which is different from the distribution of the tridental nervous pain.

The cause of the neurological pain in the original tongue is currently unknown and may have been caused by neurotic demyelosis and neurotransmission impulse disorders. When the larvae nerve enters and goes into the brain of the bridge, that’s what we usually call the hub and the neurological transport zone, the distillation zone, also known as the neurosensitive zone, which lacks cell packages. If this larvae is pressured by the vascular hysteria of the skull, the long-term hysteria of the larvae causes a short-range of impulses between the larvae and the lost nerves, and causes pain in the larvae area.

For the treatment of neurological pain in the tongue, the only clinical cure is to separate the blood vessels from the nerves and relieve oppression through microvascular repressure. The procedure is less risky, has fewer complications, and 98 per cent of patients suffer from pain after the operation.

The skull neuropsychological.

Microvascular decompression removes the disease.

After an assessment a month ago, Prof. Kang Haitao was treated for Mr. Liu with microvascular repressure. After the surgery was fully satisfactory, the patient took a left-side rectangular, cut a vertical cut to about 4 cm inside the hairline behind the right ear, opened a one-dollar window of the skull, under a microscope, looked carefully at the larvae nerve in the small corner of the right-hand bridge, and saw the nerve of the larvae at the back of the right side of the small head, strangulation of the larvae, separation of the larvae.

The pain in Mr. Liu ‘ s throat immediately disappeared after the surgical anaesthesia and his neurological pain, which had tortured him for five years, was cured. He said that for the first time in more than five years he could eat, drink water, yawn, speak out, and don’t worry about a moment of severe pain.