Rheumatism is a chronic self-immunological disease characterized by arthritis, pain and rigidity. Pain is one of the most common symptoms among RA patients, which seriously affects the quality of life. Although there is no cure for RAs, through integrated management strategies, pain can be effectively alleviated and quality of life improved. The following are some ways to help alleviate the pain:
1. Drug treatment
Inflammatory drugs: These are effective for the relief of pain and inflammation. Commonly used NSIDs include Brovens and Nepps. However, long-term use may cause gastrointestinal problems and therefore require use under the guidance of a doctor.
Anti-Rheumatist drugs to improve the condition: e.g., amino butterflies, which can slow the progress of the disease, reduce joint damage and thus indirectly relieve pain.
Biological agents: Biological agents (e.g., TNF inhibitors) can provide greater resistance to inflammation and significantly relieve pain for patients with poor traditional DMARDs.
Sugar cortex hormones: For example, inflammating inflammation and pain can be done quickly, but long-term use can have side effects and requires careful use.
Physical therapy
Thermal and cold therapy: Thermal dressing helps to relax muscles and to ease rigidity, while cold dressing helps to reduce inflammation and swelling. Suitable treatments are selected according to specific symptoms.
Physicist-directed exercise: Professional physiotherapists can develop individualised exercise programmes that help increase muscle strength and joint flexibility and reduce pain.
Hydrotherapy: Exercise in warm water reduces the pressure of the joint, while warm water floats and warms help to alleviate pain.
3. Lifestyle adjustments
Healthy diet: Ingestion of foods, such as fruit, vegetables and fish, rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fat acids, helps to reduce inflammation.
Weight management: Maintaining healthy weight reduces the burden of joints, in particular with regard to heavy joints such as knee and hips.
Tobacco cessation and alcohol limitation: smoking and overdrinking can increase the symptoms and disease progression of RA, and smoking cessation and alcohol limitation are important lifestyle adjustments.
4. Supplementary therapy
Acupuncture: acupuncture can help to alleviate the pain and improve the functioning of RA.
Massage therapy: Professional massage can help to relax muscles, alleviate pain and improve joint activity.
5. Regular monitoring and follow-up visits
Periodic check-ups: Periodic reviews are maintained to monitor the level of disease activity and the effectiveness of treatment. Treatment plans are adapted to the needs to ensure optimal disease control.
Pain management for rheumatism arthritis requires an integrated, multidisciplinary strategy. Pain can be effectively mitigated through a combination of drug treatment, physiotherapy, lifestyle adjustment and complementary therapy. Patients should take active measures to manage pain and protect joints. Better health outcomes and quality of life can be achieved through active self-management and treatment.
Rheumatism arthritis