“The Practical Skills of Daily Care for Scorch Patients”

Temperature cleaning and wetting select cleaning products suitable for sensitive skins: Avoiding the use of baths or soaps with strong irritant components, clean products specially designed for sensitive skins may be selected to reduce skin irritation. Correct use of wet cream: After bathing, the skin is easily dry, which should be applied immediately and the skin moisture locked. It is recommended that products with natural wetting components, such as glycerine, transparent acid, etc., be selected, which can effectively mitigate skin drying and itching.

Skin management regularly changes sheets and clothing: It is important to keep underwear and sheets clean and dry, to avoid bacterial growth and to keep skin clean and comfortable. Timely cleaning of skin crumbs: Accumulation of skin crumbs may prevent skin stretching, especially in joint activities. Therefore, skin pellets should be removed in a timely manner, with care to operate gently and avoid pain and bleeding. Soft brushes or wet gauze can be used for light wipe, and wet cream can then be used to cool the dry skin. Warm water bathing: bathing with hot water instead of hot water to avoid skin irritation. Before wearing a moist cream or ointment, a light or shower with warm water can be used to help soften the crumbs and improve the absorption effect of the drug.

iii. A healthy diet with balanced intake of nutrients: A diet of vitamin A, C, E and Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, green leaf vegetables, etc., contributes to the enhancement of skin barriers and the promotion of skin health. Avoid stimulant foods: avoid eating spicy, greasy and irritating foods, such as peppers, peppers, tobacco and alcohol, so as not to aggravate the disease.

The Society for Psychological Adjustment relaxes: to ease pressure and maintain a positive optimism through meditation, yoga, walking, etc. Relaxation techniques such as deep breath and gradual muscle laxity can be tried to help you relax. Seek support: maintain good communication with family, friends or professional bodies, share their feelings and confusion, and seek their support and understanding.

Avoiding induced factors to be sensitive to weather variability: In dry, cold seasons, be careful to keep warm and wet and avoid excessive skin irritation. Reduction of external injuries: Care to protect the skin from external injuries, such as cuts, burns, etc., can induce a homogenous reaction to silver crumbs.

VI. Strict use of medication in accordance with medical orders: Patients shall strictly comply with medical instructions and may not stop or modify their treatment. In the use of external drugs, it is important to ensure that the drugs are evenly painted on the sick and to avoid being painted on healthy skin. Periodic re-examination: periodic re-examination so that doctors can keep abreast of changes and adjust treatment programmes.

In the light of the above, people with silver crumbs need more attention in their daily lives. By following the above-mentioned practical techniques, patients can better manage their condition, reduce their symptoms and improve their quality of life. At the same time, it was important to maintain a positive mindset and an optimistic attitude to life.