The pulmonary knot has been discovered, and can you rely on PETCT to determine the evil?

The pulmonary knot has been discovered, and can you rely on PETCT to determine the evil?

Pneumonia festivals are disturbing and implausible, because no one can confirm their nature through CT 100 per cent, which is the birth defects of all unsolved tests. We need to see what happens now to the diagnosis of life-threatening diseases. The specimens taken from the body are shown under the microscope to be 100 per cent diagnosed with lung cancer.

PET-CT (Providing Electronic Transect Imaging-X-line Computer Layer Imaging) is a functional imaging instrument that combines PET scanners and spiral CT equipment, PET provides functional and metabolic information on disease stoves, CT provides an anatomical location of the stoves, and a single examination shows fault images at various locations throughout the body. It is now considered clinically one of the best means to diagnose and guide the treatment of tumours. PETCT is in two parts, part of which is CT, which examines the density and morphology of the pulmonary knot, which is well understood. The main test of PET is what it looks like, as it can be seen from its principles. We inject glucose, which is marked with radioactive material, into the veins, and when these bloods containing special glucose flow over the knot, they take more glucose. This can be detected by PET, where the part of the knot glows, and the academic term is called fusion, which, in combination with the description of the CT of the density and morphology, improves the recognition of the bad dyst.

PETCT is at least more critical of the nodes than the normal CT, because it contains a general CT, so to look at the limitations of PETCT, it is mainly the limitations of PET, the diagnosis of which depends on the ability to take glucose from the noose. If the noose is too small and the glucose from each cancer cell is very strong, it is possible to misdiagnose the necrosis as a benign noose from the entire cell, and the cells are less divided into two situations, one with a small knot diameter and one with very low density, such as a glass tile of less than 1 cm.

For the grinding of glass knots, most of them, even malignant, are walled cells, which are inertly growing, with low metabolic rates, with little FDG ingestion on PET-CT and therefore not benefiting. The Fleischner Guide to the International Lung Concertation Authority considers PET-CT to be of no diagnostic value for small, pure glass. For 8 – 10 mm, however, a PET-CT examination is recommended before a traumatic examination is performed. In the case of the > 8mm part of the pulmonary knot assessment guide for the United States of America ‘ s chest physician (ACCP), PET-CT tests, non-surgery biopsies or surgical ectopsis are proposed if they persist during the 3rd month review of CT. Thus, PET-CT is not required and standard for pulmonary knots, and PET-CT is of little value for pulmonary knots of less than 8 mm, and is subject to a high radiation risk and no benefit.

In summary, the PET-CT diagnosis for the pulmonary knot has three main points:

(1) Pure glass knots of chest CT hints 8mm, not normally recommended;

(2) A PET-CT scan is recommended for the 8mm diameter > physical pulmonary knot, distinguishing between good and bad;

(3) For a diameter of >8mm, the non-quantifiable semi-physical pulmonary knots, in addition to the regular scan, it is recommended that a delayed scan be added to increase the positive rate.

In general, for the $7,000 PETCT fee, the patient and the doctor need to determine whether it is worth it in a comprehensive manner. The decision-making factors include the patient ‘ s status at the end, his or her previous medical history, the results of other examinations and the clinical judgement of the doctor. Before an examination is carried out, the patient should communicate fully with the doctor about the purpose of the examination, its possible outcome and its impact on treatment and decision-making.

Lung Festival