The rheumatism of the moon says that the red lupus is really not terminal! It’s not that scary.

The rheumatism of the moon says that the red lupus is really not terminal! It’s not that scary.

On the issue of red hyenas, many are not clear, and often half-aware.

Is the erythalamus terminal?

Is it genetic?

You want a lifetime of hormones?

I don’t know.

As a self-immunological disease, erythalamus, due to its complex causes and diverse symptoms, has long caused fear among patients and their families, and is even mistakenly perceived as “cancer undead”.

However, is that true? Is it really that scary?

What’s a red hyena?

SLE is an autoimmune disease characterized by multiple organs and multisystem damage, with inflammatory reactions and vascular anomalies as the main pathologies. The incidence of this disease is higher among women during childbirth, where the proportion is nine times higher than among men, and the specific causes of the disease are not yet fully known.

According to the Chinese doctor, erythropopae is a disease caused by an imbalance of the sun, lack of abdominal blood and infirmity, mainly related to hepat and kidney insufficiency, wet fever, haematoma, etc., falling into the categories of venom and vermin.

This is well documented in the “Golden Speculations”: “The ailments of the anemic form are sorely lacerated, the throat ache and the salivation of blood; the intoxication is sore, the face is so blue, the body is sore as to be sceptered and the throat sore.”

What are the most common symptoms of red lupus?

Symptoms of erythalamus are varied and vary from person to person. Common symptoms include:

• Skin expression: the face of a butterfly rash is a typical sign of red hyena, usually on the cheeks and noses, shaped like the wings of a butterfly. In addition, patients may be exposed to four-legged rashes, mesh blemish, red rashes around the bed of the nail, hair loss etc.

• Symptoms of joints: the rigidity, pain and swelling of joints are common manifestations and may involve one or more joints.

• All-body symptoms: including fatigue, fever, weight loss, etc.

• Kidney damage: The kidney is one of the most tired organs of erythalamus, which can lead to protein urine, blood urine and, in serious cases, kidney failure.

:: Cardiovascular system: may cause heart problems such as cardiac encephalitis and myocarditis.

:: Neurological system: including headaches, epilepsy, psychiatric symptoms, etc.

• Blood system: possible anaemia, reduction of white cells, reduction of slabs, etc.

• Other symptoms: for example, allergies to the sun, the Reno phenomenon (finger or toe white or purple in cold conditions), oral ulcer, etc.

Is the erythalamus terminal?

In the face of such complex and diverse symptoms, many people may feel desperate and believe that red hyenas are terminal and incurable.

In fact, however, this is not the case. Dr. Yellow Moon, Rheumatism Immunization Section, Centre Hospital, Guangdong Province, stated that, with the progress of medicine and the continued optimization of treatment programmes, erythrophage had gradually become a controlled chronic disease. Early diagnosis and the regulation of treatment are key to improving expectations.

In the case of mildly ill patients, the conditions are often effectively controlled through reasonable treatment, and even hormonal use can be discontinued. According to the latest research and clinical data, over 90 per cent of patients with erythalamus can survive in 10 years, which means that most patients can return to normal life after systematic treatment, no different from ordinary people.

Do we have a red hyena?

This is also of great concern to many patients and families. The causes of erythalamus are currently not entirely clear, but research has shown that genetic factors do play a role in their morbidity mechanisms.

If one of the parents or immediate family members suffers from erythalamus, the risk of other family members becoming ill is relatively high. This does not mean, however, that people with family history are bound to become sick, as environmental factors and their own immune status also play an important role in the occurrence of disease.

As a result, even if there is a erythalamus in the family, other members need not be too concerned. The risk of disease can be effectively reduced through healthy lifestyles and regular medical examinations.

It is noteworthy that the disease is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from one person to another through skin contact, respiratory tracts, etc.

How to deal with the red weeds?

In addition to active co-operation in treatment, self-management in day-to-day life is also very important for persons with erythalamus. Maintaining health, ensuring adequate sleep, eating patterns and avoiding long-term fatigue help to maintain the integrity of the immune system.

At the same time, the sun should be protected from UV exposure, which may lead to a recurrence. Patients should travel with physical sunscreen, such as long-sleeve sunscreens, umbrellas, masks, sunglasses and suncaps.

When the condition is under control, the hormonals may be gradually reduced as prescribed by the doctor, so that they may not stop, so as to prevent the recurrence of the disease and increase the damage to organs.

Carnation: This is based on the sharing of diseases and is not a substitute for hospital visits. Comments are for reference purposes only, and medical advice is required for specific treatments.


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