The rheumatism of the moon says the acetic anhydride level is abnormal? Your kidney may be half broken.

Mr. Wei, a 53-year-old man, has had eight years of arrhythmia, and the latest company medical examination showed that the value of urine acid was as high as 760 mmol/L, far beyond normal.

Even more worrying is the fact that, in the result of his kidney function examination, his acetic anhydride level reached 112 μmol/L, although it was only slightly exceeded, but the doctor seriously pointed out that his kidney problems may be significant.

This raises doubts about Mr. Wei: “How can it be so serious?

What’s acetic anhydride?

acetic anhydride, as a metabolic product of muscles in the human body, is divided mainly into external and internal sources. Exogenous acetic anhydride is derived from the decomposition of skinny animal meat in food, while internal acetic anhydride is metabolism from the internal muscle tissue.

These acetic anhydrides are found mainly in our blood, in a free state, through the hard work of our kidneys, most of them excreted with urine and a small part of them through the intestinal tract.

As a rule, the reference values for haemobinal acetic anhydride vary according to sex and age, usually between 54-106 μmol/L for males and 44-97 μmol/L for females. This indicator is important for the assessment of the kidney function and can more accurately reflect the filtration and excretion function of the kidney.

The reason for the rise in acetic anhydride.

What is it?

From a Chinese doctor ‘ s point of view, arrhythmia is mostly caused by humid fever and haematosis. Long-term gout causes the accumulation of wet thermal bruising in the body and affects the normal functioning of the kidney, leading to increased acetic anhydride.

From the point of view of modern medicine, the reasons for the rise in acetic anhydride are mainly physical and pathological.

• High acetic anhydride: it is common for people with advanced muscles, after intense physical activity, and after eating large amounts of meat and protein;

• The increase in rational acetic anhydride: it is common in the later stages of diseases such as kidney cystitis, kidney syndrome, chronic kidney failure and diabetes and hypertension.

Dr. Huang Yuen indicated that the rise of acetic anhydride might be a “by-product” of chronic hyperureaemia for people with pain such as Mr. Wei. High urearate haematosis leads to the deposition of urea acid crystals in the kidneys, which in turn induces inflammation and fibrosis of the kidneys, gradually erodes the kidney function and increases acetic anhydride levels.

In addition, medications commonly used in the treatment of pain, such as inflammation medications, aqueous pixielines, tablets, etc., may inadvertently cause damage to the kidneys and increase the rise of acetic anhydride.

What’s the danger of rising acetic anhydride?

Increased haematological acetic anhydride levels often mean that the kidney function has been severely impaired. This is because the kidney has a strong reparative function, and acetic anhydride levels may have remained normal or only slightly higher at the beginning of the kidney function.

However, once acetic anhydride begins to rise significantly, it indicates that at least 50% of the kidney balls have been disabled, and the kidney function is in the middle and late stages.

Specifically, the increase in acetic anhydride may cause the following hazards:

(a) Deterioration of the kidney function at an acceleration rate: an increase in haemocelline acetic anhydride further increases the kidney burden, creates a vicious circle, accelerates the deterioration of the kidney function and may eventually develop into urine poisoning;

(a) Multiple-system complications: the lack of complete kidney function not only affects the kidney itself, but can also cause a range of multi-system complications, such as anaemia, hypertension, hydrolytic disorders and metabolic acid poisoning, which pose a serious threat to the life and health of the patient;

Quality of life: Symptoms and complications caused by the rise of acetic anhydride, such as lack of strength, lack of appetite, vomiting and skin itching, can significantly reduce the quality of life of patients.

In the case of persons suffering from arrhythmia, therefore, attention must be paid to the increase in acetic anhydride, to timely medical treatment, to the identification of the causes and to the appropriate treatment.

In the course of treatment, Chinese medicine can be combined with Chinese medicine, e.g. Chinese medicine, acupuncture, administration, etc., to promote the renal function.

At the same time, patients should also take care to adapt their lifestyles, such as limiting alcohol, reducing intake of high-precipitation food, preventing intense or sudden cooling, reducing intake of sugar-rich beverages, drinking water, weight control, increasing intake of fresh vegetables, regular diets and food, regular exercise, smoking ban, etc. to protect kidney health.

Carnation: This is based on the sharing of diseases and is not a substitute for hospital visits. Comments are for reference purposes only, and medical advice is required for specific treatments.


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