The rheumatizing moon says, “Little, is urine really useless?” About all the urine you don’t know.

The rheumatizing moon says, “Little, is urine really useless?” About all the urine you don’t know.

The first thing that comes to mind is that it’s bad for people. It leads to arrhythmia and contributes to the development of many diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, fatty liver, kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

However, there is a saying that urea acid is not a “no good metabolic waste” but has multiple physiological effects. They say it’s also intellectual, and it can be Parkinson?

People with high urine acids may have higher IQs?

Many historical celebrities have suffered from pains, such as the famous poet Baek Jiu Yi, the Zhublai Yuan, the famous Zhu Blai Yan, the artist da Vinci, philosopher Bacon, scientist Newton and so on…

With regard to the dangers of the rise of urine, we all know what it is. Must it be harmful to health?

Answer: Wrong!

In fact, urea acid is not as useless as some believe it is.

A statistical study of 817 United States military personnel, published in Science, the leading international academic journal, found a significant positive correlation between blood urea levels and IQ test scores.

Recent studies have also shown that, because of the similarity of urea acid structures to brain stimulants such as caffeine and cacaine, brain cortex can be stimulated and act as an intellectual booster.

It increases when the acid is too low.

Risk of Alzheimer’s disease

It is well known that Alzheimer ‘ s disease, also known as Alzheimer ‘ s, is a degenerative disease in the nervous system.

A foreign study, which included 40 persons suffering from Alzheimer ‘ s disease compared to 40 health persons, showed that the level of urea acid in persons with Alzheimer ‘ s disease was 12.6 per cent lower than in the control group.

Another study, which visited 1724 people without dementia (on average 11.1 years) and completed cognitive performance tests such as learning/memory, implementation and general awareness, found that higher baseline levels of urine acid presage better cognitive functions.

It is therefore considered that urea acid may be protective of Alzheimer ‘ s disease, and that high levels of urea acid may reduce the risk of the disease.

It’s high blood ureal acid.

It’s not easy to have Parkinson’s disease.

In addition, there have been numerous studies in recent years, both at home and abroad, which have shown a significant negative correlation between the risk of and progress in the development of serourin acid in Parkinson (Pakinson ‘ s disease is a common neurological degenerative disease in the middle and old age), i.e., that it is high and is less prone to Parkinson ‘ s disease.

High levels of blood-urea acid not only reduce Parkinson’s risk of disease, but also reduce the rate of progress, and low levels of blood-urea acid may increase Parkinson’s risk of disease and increase Parkinson’s motor disorders.

A study abroad has shown a significant correlation between serourin levels and Parkinson ‘ s risk of disease, with high levels of serourin having an important protective effect on the nervous system, and a 33 per cent decrease in the incidence of Parkinson among individuals with low levels of serourin in individuals, a advantage that is particularly significant in men.

Dr. Yellow Moon, Rheumatism Immunization Section, Centre Hospital, Guangdong Province, concluded by emphasizing that urea acid is by no means nothing and is not as low as possible, and that urea acid should not be less than 180 μmol/L at the time of its reduction.

Therefore, urine must not be too low in the treatment of arrhythmia, and everything is “good and bad”.

Carnation: This is based on the sharing of diseases and is not a substitute for hospital visits. Comments are for reference purposes only, and medical advice is required for specific treatments.