The six symptoms that are common to people with leukaemia and how to deal with them are recommended for collection!
Six symptoms are common in persons with leukaemia and are addressed as follows:
Symptoms and treatment
Symptoms: pale, weak, dizziness, panic, agitated breathing, weak body, prone to sweat and an accelerated heart rate during activity or rest.
Blood transfusion: In cases of severe anaemia, anaemia can be rapidly improved through blood transfusion.
Medical treatment: control of leukaemia cell growth, including through chemotherapy, and promotion of normal haematological rehabilitation.
Improve the way of life: Take care to rest, avoid intense physical activity and ensure adequate sleep.
Symptoms: bruises on skin, bruises, haemorrhaging of teeth, haemorrhage of nose, haemorrhage of digestive tracts, internal bleeding, etc.
Bleeding plate: When the plate count is too low, a single slab suspension is required to prevent haemorrhage.
Drug treatment: Assisted treatment of haemorrhagic symptoms through the use of a combination of anti-hemorrhagic drugs, such as vitamin K, condensation.
Attention to protection: Avoid trauma and reduce the risk of haemorrhage.
Symptoms: Most of them are low-heat, which may be due to the release of thermal heat from leukemia cells themselves, or to combined infections due to reduced immunity.
Anti-infection treatment: Bacteria development and drug-sensitization tests should be performed in case of fever, and empirical antibiotics treatment should be conducted quickly.
Physical cooling: Physical cooling can be used when heat is heating, such as cold dressing, hot water for bathing, etc.
Health maintenance: attention to hygiene and prevention of infection.
His lymph spleen is swollen.
Symptoms: The liver is spleened, the lymphoma is swollen, usually without visible pain, but may have symptoms of oppression.
Chemotherapy: Control of leukaemia cell growth through chemotherapy and reduction of hepatic spleen lymphoma.
Treatment: For local lymph nodes, treatment may be considered to reduce the swelling.
Observatory follow-up visits: spleen lymphoma with no symptoms may be suspended and follow-up visits observed on a regular basis.
Bones and joint pain.
Symptoms: Pain in the parts of the thorax, the long limb, etc., due to increased bone marrow pressure due to the large increase in leukaemia cells within the marrow.
Symptoms: In cases of severe pain, appropriate painkillers, such as Broven, are available.
Chemotherapy: Control of leukaemia cell growth through chemotherapy and reduction of bone and joint pain symptoms.
Locally administered treatment: In areas where local pain is apparent, treatment may be considered for pain relief.
I’m hungry, I’m sick.
Symptoms: Declining appetites, nausea, vomiting, related to disease and therapeutic side effects.
Dietary adjustments: Eatable, digestible, small amounts of food, avoiding cold, high fat, high-heated greasy foods.
Drug treatment: The use of anti-pussy drugs, such as Ontan Sijon, can be used to alleviate the symptoms of nausea.
Psychological support: psychological support for patients, abating anxiety and increasing appetite.
Persons with leukaemia should be treated in strict compliance with medical instructions, regular chemotherapy and regular examinations.
Be careful to rest, avoid fatigue, keep warm and prevent infectious diseases such as cold.
Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude and actively cooperating with doctors to improve the quality of life.
The above information is for reference purposes only, and the specific symptoms and treatments should be determined on the basis of the patient ‘ s specific circumstances and the doctor ‘ s recommendations. If there is any doubt or discomfort, please refer to the doctor in a timely manner.
Access to blood rehabilitation in November 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)
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