The Sugar Man’s Heart Crisis and Care Secret.

For diabetics, the body is like a complex “field of battle” requiring constant vigilance over potential health threats. Among them, the heart problem is an “enemy” that cannot be ignored. A lot of sugar friends may wonder why they can’t have a good heart. Diabetes patients are often at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because high blood sugar can damage the inner walls of the veins, leading to the hardening of the arteries, thus increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, diabetes can lead to a range of problems such as insulin resistance, high blood sugar and high blood resin, all of which can have a negative impact on the heart. Although heart problems may occur quietly, the following signals are highly alarming for sugar friends: (1) Atypical chest pains: Diabetes can experience atypical chest pains, such as discomfort in the back, left arm, neck or lower jaw. (2) Chest suffocation: This may be a sign of heart failure if there is a persistent feeling of chest oppression or breathing difficulties. (3) Unusually sweaty: sudden and massive sweating without obvious cause may be a signal of heart problems. (4) Disgusting vomiting: Heart problems are sometimes manifested in gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain. (5) Heart palpitation: Heart beating is abnormally rapid or irregular, especially during rest breaks, and should be noted. In order to protect the heart ‘ s health, sugar friends can take the following measures: (1) Control of blood sugar: it is essential to keep the blood sugar level within normal limits. (2) Periodic medical examination: includes EKG, blood resin and blood pressure examinations in order to detect problems at an early stage. (3) Healthy lifestyle: Maintain low sugar, low fat, low salt diet, no smoking, no drinking, and maintain appropriate weight and regular exercise. (4) Managing emotions: Avoiding excessive excitement and stress, maintaining a good mind is equally important for heart health. Diabetes, though terrible, can be effective in preventing heart disease and maintaining the health and vitality of the heart as long as sugar friends are vigilant and by controlling blood sugar, regular medical examinations, healthy living and reducing stress.