The treatment of the fungus.

Sphinx is a bacteria that exists in the stomach and is a common cause of stomach disease. Sphinx can cause stomach inflammation, digestive ulcer and even stomach cancer. So, for the time being, it is generally found that it requires eradication. However, some patients, such as older patients, combine a variety of basic diseases, pregnant women or children and need to be assessed in a comprehensive manner before they can be eradicated. Sphinx infection is an infectious disease, usually transmitted by mouth-to-mouth or by dung-to-mouth. For example, eating with a person infected with a phantom spiral or having contact with objects encountered by the fungus when going to the toilet is likely to be infected. In general, the screening of cholesterocella consists of two main categories: original and uninspected. Initiative examinations include rapid urea enzyme tests, gastroscopy pathology examinations, and pharmacological sensitization tests for cholesteracteria. Numerical tests include excreta antigen examinations, sero-antibodies tests and tests for carbon 13 or carbon 14 excretions. It is more widely applied on a clinical basis or is dominated by exhalation tests, which have the advantage of being simple, easy to accept by the patient, and are more sensitive and specific. The most commonly used treatment for cholesterocella is now a classic four-pronged programme with a herbicide. The americium IV programme consists of oral drugs, with 14 days of treatment. Americium IV, which includes two antibiotics, a acidic acid and a herbicide. Acidic acids are generally more commonly used PPI and P-CAB preparations. The acetate is generally duct tape, potassium acetate. Antibiotics are more prevalent and are commonly used in Amosicillin, Kracin, Left Oxygen, Metrazine, Furanone, Tetracycline, etc. The antibiotic selection principle is generally based on drug resistance, which is the preferred drug with a low drug resistance, in the context of the Quadration Programme for the Eradication of Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum, in order to increase the eradication rate. So the general choice is for the Amosilin to be eradicated with another antibiotics, such as the Amosilin + Cractrocin, the Amosilin + Furanaqualone, the Amosilin + Metranitroazone, the Amosilin + Left Oxygen. However, some patients are allergic to Amorim, at a time when it is not possible to choose the antibiotics that are predominantly amoxicillin-based, which needs to be replaced with other antibiotics. For example, you can choose to use tetracycline + metranitro, tetracycline + caracin. More recently, the DPT programme for the eradication of cholesterol has been extended on the basis of the T-4 programme. The two joint programmes use larger doses of antibiotics to enhance acidic acids. For example, the use of Amosilin in the Quads is usually two times a day, one at a time of 1.0 grams, while in the Quads the use of Amosilin is three times a day, one at a time or four times a day, one at a time of 0.75 grams. In the process of eradication, patients need to be concerned about any particularly uncomfortable symptoms, such as rashes, fever, visible nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc., which require a timely stoppage of medication to visit the hospital. In the process of eradication, people need to stop smoking and alcohol, avoid spicy and irritating food, and take it on a therapeutic basis, without interruption, if the eradication rate is to increase significantly. After taking 14 days, then at least one month apart, then go to the hospital for a carbon 13 or carbon 14 exhalation test to assess whether the eradication was successful.

Sphinx infection. Sphinx infection.