The truth and prevention of rheumatism.

What is rheumatist heart disease?

Rheumatic Heart Disease, RHD is a heart disease caused by rheumatic fever, mainly manifested in damage to the heart valve. Rheumatism is a full-body inflammation response caused by streptococcal infections (e.g., oscillitis), which is common among children and adolescents. Without timely treatment, rheumatism can cause long-term heart damage and eventually develop into rheumatism heart disease.

II. Causes of rheumatological heart disease

The main cause of rheumatist heart disease is group A β soluble streptocyte infection, usually manifested in larynitis or tonsils. When infected, the immune response from the organism may wrongly attack its own heart tissue, especially the heart valve. The following are some of the factors that may lead to rheumatism heart disease:

Streptococcus infections: Streptococcus infections that are not receiving timely and appropriate treatment are the main causes. Genetic factors: Some families may be more vulnerable to the disease. Socio-economic factors: The incidence of rheumatism is higher in areas where living conditions are poor and medical resources are inadequate. Age: Children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 15. III. Symptoms of rheumatological heart disease

Symptoms of rheumatological heart disease vary from person to person and may appear only weeks or months after infection. Common symptoms include:

Heart symptoms:

Heart-to-heart pains with edema (especially lower limbs)

All-body symptoms:

Heat and weight deficiency reduction of joint pain (other manifestations of rheumatism)

Cardiac murmurs: Doctors may find cardiac murmurs during consultations, prompting damage to the valves.

Diagnosis of rheumatological heart disease

Diagnosis of rheumatological heart disease usually relies on the following methods:

Medical history and medical examination: Doctors ask about patient ‘ s medical history, especially if there is any recent experience of streptococcus infection, and at the same time check for murmurs and other symptoms of the heart.

Laboratory inspection:

Blood examination: can detect levels of antibodies (e.g. ASO drops). Blood sunk and C reacts to proteins: reflects inflammation.

Image check:

Hyperheartmaps: used to assess the structure and function of the heart valve and to determine whether the valve is narrow or closed. Treatment of rheumatological heart disease

The treatment of rheumatism heart disease aims to control symptoms, prevent complications and improve the quality of life. Treatment includes:

Drug treatment:

Antibiotics: Used for treatment of streptococcus infections, commonly using penicillin. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or steroids for inflammation mitigation. Cardiopharmaceuticals: e.g. urea, ACE inhibitors, etc., are used to control heart failure symptoms.


In the case of patients suffering from serious valorosis, the valor repair or replacement may be required.

Regular follow-up: People with rheumatological heart disease are required to undergo regular cardiac examinations to monitor changes.

VI. Prevention of rheumatological heart disease

The key to the prevention of rheumatism heart disease is the prevention of rheumatism, the main measures being:

Early treatment of streptococcal infections: In case of symptoms such as larynx, timely medical treatment should be provided for antibiotics.

Periodic medical examinations: especially for children with family history or who have experienced rheumatism and fever should be carried out regularly.

Health education: raise public awareness of rheumatism and rheumatism heart disease, especially in high-risk areas.

Vaccination: To the extent possible, appropriate vaccinations to prevent infection.


Rheumatism heart disease is a serious chronic disease, but through early diagnosis and timely treatment, it can effectively control the condition and improve the quality of life of patients. Raising public awareness, especially among children and adolescents, can effectively reduce the incidence of rheumatism heart disease. It is hoped that through the introduction of this paper, more attention will be paid to heart health, regular health examinations will be conducted and potential heart problems will be detected and treated in a timely manner.

Other specific chronic rheumatism heart disease