These symptoms may be a sign of leukemia.
Leukemia is a malignant cloned disease of blood stem cells with diverse and complex symptoms and precursors. The following are some indications of possible leukaemia for your information:
Symptoms are depicted as signs (describes) that more than half of patients with fever can experience repeated and irregular fever at an early stage of the disease, mostly at low or high heat. It may be that leukemia cells themselves release thermal heat, or as a result of combined infections due to reduced immunity. Infections are common in the respiratory tract, mouth, anal weeks, lungs, urinary roads, etc., and the infection is not easily controlled. Anemia leukemia inhibits normal blood production, leading to a decrease in erythrocyte formation, which in turn causes anaemia. They are pale, weak, dizziness, panic, sweaty, post-motion breathing, accelerated heart rate, diet, weight loss, etc. Haemorrhage tends to occur in persons with leukaemia due to a reduction in the number of slabs or abnormal functioning. Skin bruises, bruises, haemorrhage in the teeth and nose, and female patients may also suffer from excessive or irregular vaginal haemorrhages; in the case of heavy digestive haemorrhages and intracircle haemorrhages, life-threatening haemorrhages. The lymphoma cell is immersed in lymphoma, causing swelling. There is usually no apparent pain, but there may be signs of oppression, common in the neck, under armpit and groin, and acute leukemia can lead to lymphoma swollenness. Skeletal and joint painal leukemia cells are multiplication within the bone marrow, resulting in increased bone marrow pressure and pain. Pain can occur in parts such as the rib, the limbs and the long bones, often causing pain in the bone and the joints as the disease progresses and when the disease breaks into the bones and joints. Hepatic spleen and leukemia cells are immersed in the liver and spleen, causing swelling. Some patients may also suffer from central nervous system disorders, such as headaches, vomiting and straight necks.
Please note that, in the event of the above symptoms, it is recommended that a medical examination be conducted to determine the cause of the disease. When leukaemia is diagnosed, the patient should actively cooperate with the doctor in the standard treatment to control its progress and improve the quality of life. At the same time, people living with leukaemia must be careful in their lives to prevent infection, maintain personal hygiene, a proper diet, take care of rest and maintain a good mindset.
Access to blood rehabilitation in November 2024 (consultations are provided free of charge on a temporary basis until the end of the month)
We’re looking for 60 patients with blood abnormalities, and we have a clinical teacher from a professional Chinese-Western medical team of specialists to help you analyze the situation and to get to know the truth about blood disease!
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