To be honest, these five habits are the best thing for a middle-aged man.

At the age of thirty and forty, which is the golden age of life, Confucius says, “30 by 30, 40 by 40”, which means that at this stage the goal of life should be set. Thirty-four years of age is also a golden stage for health, and it is likely that if the health effects of bad lifestyles are not realized at that time, it will be too late to come to the second half of life.

Recent studies have found that having five healthy lifestyles increases life expectancy and young people learn quickly!

Lifestyles affect life expectancy

Our scholars have previously published a study in the world-renowned journal, The Lancet, analysing the impact of five healthy lifestyles on life expectancy at the age of 30. In recent days, the research team has again published the important findings of the study in the journal Nature, analysing the impact of these five healthy lifestyles on the life expectancy of our population at the age of 40.

The study, which addresses information on more than 450,000 Chinese adults in the database of the China Forward-looking Research on Chronic Diseases (CKB), analysed the impact of healthy lifestyles on three major non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases, and examined whether healthy lifestyles can contribute to increasing life expectancy among Chinese adults. It is a landmark study that fills the gap in our population ‘ s quantitative research on integrated lifestyles and life expectancy, which was previously concentrated in North America and Europe.

Five healthy lifestyles were found to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases, thus increasing life expectancy.

Five good ways to stay alive.

Speaking of which, do you want to know which of the five ways of living can be extended? Let’s say one by one:

A distance from tobacco is defined as non-smoking or cessation of smoking for reasons other than illness. It is recommended that you, who are 30 or 40 years old and smoke, should quit immediately for the sake of healthy old age. Alcohol is restricted, or is consumed in small quantities, i.e. < 30 grams per day for men and < 15 grams per day for women. The level of physical activity is above average in the same age and gender groups. According to our survey data, you can be at the forefront of the level of activity by age group (up to 12.5 per cent) if you achieve a medium- and high-intensity physical activity of not less than three times a week for at least 30 minutes at a time. In particular, they eat fresh vegetables every day, fresh fruit every day, red meat from 1 to 6 days a week, beans from 4 days a week to fish from 1 day a week. Health weight is defined as the BMI, which is between 18.5 and 27.9 centimetres, and the male waist < 90 centimetres and the female waist < 85 centimetres.

A healthy lifestyle takes time.

The large-scale study mentioned above found that the more healthy lifestyles are maintained in the middle and young ages, the greater the positive impact on life expectancy, suggesting that healthy living habits should be established and maintained as soon as possible.

The study found that at the age of 30, the life expectancy of men with five healthy lifestyles would increase by 8.8 years and that women would increase by 8.1 years, compared to those with 0 to 1 healthy lifestyle.

At the age of 40, the healthy life expectancy of men with five healthy lifestyles will be increased by 6.3 years and of women by 4.2 years, compared to those with 0-1 healthy lifestyles. Note that this refers to a healthy life without cardiovascular disease, cancer or chronic respiratory disease.

Thus, for health, it should also be “thirty-thirty, forty-thousand”. At the age of 30, a healthy lifestyle should be built, and at the age of 40, to continue to practice these healthy lifestyles, it requires a strong heart that is not confused with “outside” to extend a healthy life.

Wen/Lou Jian (Beijing University People ‘ s Hospital)