Prostate inflammation is a common male urinary system disease, with major symptoms including frequent urination, acute urination, pain, difficulty in urinating, and pain in the vaginal and lower abdominal parts. The following is a detailed description of the treatment of prostate inflammation.
I. General treatment
For patients with milder symptoms, general treatment is an important foundation. Patients need to improve their lifestyle and regularity to avoid prolonged sittings, which can inflate the pelvis and prostate and exacerbate inflammation. Patients are advised to get up and move every 1 – 2 hours.
Adapting eating habits is also critical. Reduced consumption of spicy, irritating foods, such as peppers and peppers, which can stimulate the prostate and lead to increased symptoms. At the same time, water intake is increased, white water is consumed and 1,500 – 2,000 ml of drinking water is guaranteed per day, which helps to reduce opportunities for bacterial growth by providing more urine and washing the urex.
Patients also need to pay attention to psychological care. As the symptoms of prostate inflammation are likely to recur, they can easily lead to adverse feelings of anxiety, stress, etc., which may in turn exacerbate the symptoms. Patients can reduce stress and maintain positive optimism by listening to music, sports, etc.
II. Drug treatment
Antibiotic treatment: In the case of bacterial prostate inflammation, antibiotics are the main therapeutic drug. The doctor selects sensitive antibiotics based on the results of bacterial culture and drug sensitivity tests. Antibiotics of quinone, such as left-oxen fluorine, cyclopropsalt and so on, are commonly used and can effectively kill bacteria that cause prostate inflammation. The treatment generally lasts two to four weeks and the specific treatment is determined by the patient ‘ s condition and physical response. In the course of the use of antibiotics, the patient must take the medication on time and in accordance with medical instructions, so as to avoid self-determination, so that the bacteria do not produce resistance.
α – Receptor retardants: This drug is mainly used to improve urine symptoms. Medicines such as Tansoroxin and Dossalaki can relax the smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder necks and reduce urinary resistance, so as to alleviate the symptoms of urination, excrement and urination. α – Receptor retardants generally have some effect several days after their use, but in order to achieve a better treatment, they usually require a period of time, usually one to three months.
Inflammatory antiflammatory medications: For patients who suffer from pain in the vagina, lower abdominal areas, etc., the antiflammatory antiflammation medications can be very good for pain and inflammation. Drugs such as Brophen and Sodium bichlorfonate are common options. They can reduce inflammation, ease pain and improve the quality of life of patients. However, there may be a number of adverse effects in the gastrointestinal tracts, such as nausea, vomiting, etc., and patients are informed in a timely manner if they are not well used.
III. Physicotherapy
Prostate massage: This is a traditional physiotherapy method. Regular prostate massages can facilitate excretion of prostate tubes, increase local blood circulation and help to reduce inflammation. It is generally recommended that one to two prostate massages be conducted per week, which need to be performed by a specialist doctor to avoid injury to the prostate by undue force.
Thermal therapy: Thermal effects through various physical means can improve local blood circulation in the prostate. Common thermotherapy methods include microwave, radio frequency, laser, etc. Thermal therapy relieves muscular convulsions, removes tissue oedema and promotes the spread of inflammation. However, there are also taboos in the case of thermal therapy, for example, where patients suspected of prostate cancer are generally not recommended.
IV. Surgery
Surgical treatment is generally considered when other treatments are ineffective and the condition seriously affects the quality of life of the patient. For example, in the case of patients with prostate sepsis, the sepsis can be excreted through surgery to remove the flow and relieve symptoms. In addition, in cases where there is a combination of prostate growth, leading to very serious urinary blockages, procedures such as urethropathic electrocuting may be considered to improve urination. However, there are certain risks to surgical treatment, such as haemorrhage, infection and incontinence of urine, so that in deciding whether or not to undergo surgical treatment, there is a need for adequate communication between the doctor and the patient to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.
The treatment of prostate inflammation requires an individualized treatment that takes into account a combination of the patient ‘ s condition and physical condition. At the same time, patients must actively cooperate with doctors in the treatment process and maintain good living habits in order to achieve better treatment.