Treatment of pediatrics and drug choices

Accumulation of small children is a common digestive problem for children, mainly in the form of symptoms of appetite, abdominal abdomen, abdominal abdominal pain, and defecation. Parents need to have effective treatments and drug choices in order to help their children alleviate their eating symptoms, given their delicate stomachs and their susceptibility to indigestion.

1. Adapting diets to diets is the basis for the treatment of infant diets. Parents should provide their children with fresh, digestible food, such as congee, noodles, etc., to avoid greasy, spicy and cold food. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the child receives sufficient moisture to facilitate digestion. Increased intake of cellulose-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruits, can also help to promote intestinal creeping and reduce accumulation. 2. An increase in the appropriate amount of exercise can facilitate intestinal creeping and help digestion. Parents can encourage children to engage in outdoor activities, such as walking, jogging, crouching, sitting on their backs, etc., so as to accelerate the release of food. Sport not only improves digestive problems but also improves the health of children. 3. The massage of the abdominal abdomen, which is carried out in the direction of a clockwise, contributes to the promotion of intestinal creeping and exhausting and abdominal abdominal symptoms. This method of massage by a Chinese doctor allows parents to operate at home, but with care to be taken to avoid harming children. Drug treatment, at the advice of a doctor, can be used to facilitate digestion. Drug selection should be based on the principles of moderation and effectiveness, avoiding the use of substances that harm the physical integrity of children.

ii. Drug choice 1. Medium pharmacological – pharmacological: consisting of a combination of half-summer, platinum and leather, which has the effect of digestive, depressive, and stomach effects, and is used for the treatment of abdominal swelling, antiacid gas, etc., caused by the accumulation of young children. – Spleen-breeding particles: consisting of such drugs as hairy weed, mountain tea, which have the effect of rearing blood, diarrhea, abdominal abdominal acupuncture, and which are used to treat anorexia caused by the accumulation of young children, diarrhea, dysentery, larvae, etc. – Cartomic digestive films: they contain elements such as pamphlet, leather, mountain medicine, etc., and have the effect of digestive eating, which treats the accumulation of food caused by a weak spleen. – Oral abdominal abdominal aerobics, which are applied to children whose stomach is weak and their diet is slow due to inadequate feeding or poor diet. – Paediatrics: The main effects are digestive decomposition and laxal defecation, which are applicable to the stagnating symptoms of the fever. 2. Western medicine – Lebs: e.g., bacterium bacterium-dioxin particles, pyrococcus-tebacterium, etc., regulates intestinal population, promotes digestion and mitigates eating symptoms. Such drugs are not harmful to the child ‘ s health and can improve the intestinal environment and increase immunity.

1. Parents should strictly follow medical instructions and choose the appropriate drugs and dosages for the treatment given. Avoiding the self-purchase of drugs to be administered to children so that they are not infected or dosages are inaccurate, which affects their health. 2. If the child is suffering from a severe or persistent condition of accumulation of food, he or she shall consult a specialist in a timely manner. Doctors develop individualized treatment programmes based on the child ‘ s specific circumstances. 3. Parents should take care to adapt their children ‘ s diet to avoid over-ingestion of greasy, cold and indigestionable food. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure children ‘ s food hygiene and avoid food poisoning. Regular and quantitative feeding to avoid over-feeding is also an important measure to prevent the accumulation of child food.