In our body’s “nutrient corridor”, the duct is like an extraordinary “highway” that carries food and drinks day and night to ensure that they reach their stomachs safely. However, when this “highway” is hit by radioactive dysentery, our diet is a little “high”. Today, let’s talk about radio-eateritis, the “spoiler”, and how we can build a solid and gentle “guardian shield” for the ducts, like a “good bodyguard”.
I. RADIO-EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT: “Invisible wounds” to the cuisine
Radio-ephageal inflammation, like a “invisible wound” on an edible tube, is a edible inflammation caused by radiotherapy. When, unfortunately, we suffer from certain diseases, such as cancer, and receive radiotherapy, the radiation is like a double-edged sword, which, while degenerating and eliminating cancer cells, may also cause some damage to the edible mucous membrane, a little partner. It’s like a fire-cooked oil, making the edibles fragile.
The “causes” of oesophagus are actually complex, but the most important cause is the “direct care” of the oesophagus mucous film. Radioactivity, the “invisible swordsman”, can penetrate human tissue and destroy cell structures. When the edible mucous membrane is “favourable” by radiation, it can cause inflammation, irritation, ulcer, etc. In addition, factors such as reduced immunity from treatment, mucous inflammation, oxidation and infection may also become “accompanies” to radio-ephageitis.
Second, although radio-eateritis may come in “silently”, it nevertheless reminds us of some “silent signs”. For example, the difficulty of swallowing is like a “suspense signal” from the cuisine, which tells us that it may be in trouble. In addition, symptoms such as post-heart pain, vomiting, weight loss and heat may also be radioactive oesophagus “ghosting”.
The difficulty of swallowing is like a “difficult” on the edibles, which suffer from pain and discomfort when they swallow food. This feeling, which is like “dryness”, not only makes it difficult for patients to swallow, but may also affect nutritional intake and quality of life.
The pain behind the chest is like a “alarm” from the body, reminding us that there may be a “slight condition” in the cuisine. Such pain may increase when swallowed, as if it were “aggravated” to make the patient more painful.
Disgusting and vomiting are like “problems” for us by the oesophagus of oesophagus, which can make people hungry and even “fear” of food. This feeling is like “a physical and mental exhaustion” that greatly compromises the quality of life of patients.
The loss of body weight is like a “crisis signal” from the body, which may mean that the nutritional status of the patient is deteriorating. Because of the effects of symptoms such as difficulty of swallowing and vomiting, patients may experience health problems such as malnutrition and reduced immune function, which increases the risk of infection.
Heating is like a “inflammation storm” inside the body, which can be caused by an inflammation response caused by radio-eateritis. Patients need to be careful to monitor their temperature and to be treated in a timely manner in order to avoid deterioration.
iii. We are not “inoperable” in the face of radio-eateritis. Modern medicine has provided us with a variety of treatments, like a solid “guardian shield” for us.
The treatment of drugs is like a “sweet little tampons” of an edible tube, which acts as a “fire extinguisher” that effectively mitigates the inflammation response, as is the “fire of inflammation” on an edible tube, while painkillers are like “sweetants” that mitigate the pain symptoms of the patient; at the same time, they also facilitate the restoration of the edible mucous membrane. Drugs for mucous membrane restoration are like “nutrients” that can provide the nutrients and growth factors needed for the edibles.
Dietary regulation, which is like the “exclusive nutritionist” for the oesophagus, can help the patient alleviate the symptoms of swallowing difficulties, nausea and vomiting and facilitate the rehabilitation of the oesophagus. The dietary principles to be followed by patients are digestive, low fat, low fibres, dominated by soft and semi-fluent foods, while avoiding the ingestion of rough, spicy, overheated or overcooled foods, so as to avoid irritation of edible mucous membranes. At the same time, patients should eat less and maintain oral hygiene in order to reduce the burden on the food pipes.
Support for treatment is like an “energy depot” for an edible tube, which can maintain the water, electrolytic balance of the patient and correct problems of malnutrition. Patients should be supplied with more drinking water and adequate water; where necessary, intravenous nutrients can be provided to ensure that the patient has the necessary nutritional support. At the same time, care needs to be taken to prevent infection, to strengthen oral care and to provide strong support for the rehabilitation of edibles.
The endoscopy treatment is like the “scavers” of the oesophagus for the narrow, ulcer-related complications caused by radio-eateritis. Doctors can expand through endoscopy, support implants, laser cuts, etc. to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. The treatment is like a “precision blow” and can be directed to the pathological areas.
Chinese medicine, like the “old Chinese medicine” of the oesophagus, is able to regulate the abdominal blood, relieve pain and promote the rehabilitation of the oesophagus by means of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, canning, etc. The Chinese medicine, which is resistant to inflammation, pain and mucous membranes, can be treated on a case-by-case basis; acupuncture, canals, etc., can regulate the body ‘ s functioning and improve the patient ‘ s immunity, thus combating the attack on the radioactive oesophagus.
While radio-eateritis may cause some trouble in our diets, as long as we discover and implement effective treatments in a timely manner, we can build a solid “sweet shield” for the ducts like a “sweet bodyguard”. Through a combination of drug treatment, dietary regulation, support for treatment, endoscopy treatment and Chinese medicine, we can, like brave warriors, defeat the “spoiler” of radioactive dysentery and embrace what belongs to us. Let us join hands and fight for health!