Trident neuropsychosis prevents patients from brushing their teeth and washing their faces.

The online workstation of Prof. Wang Cai, the specialist in cranial neurosis, had a patient’s message: “Can I have surgery for five or six years with trident neuropsychological pains, with shorter and more severe intervals, now afraid to brush my teeth, wash my face, touch my lips as painful as electricity?”

Prof. Wang Cai: For tridental neurological pain, the primary treatment is based on medication, such as the ineffectiveness of the treatment, and after a rigorous pre-operative assessment, can be treated through a microvascular repressure operation, the only way to treat the cause of tridental neurological pain, which preserves the integrity of the trident neuropsychiatry, so that its function can be preserved. The benefits of microvascular decompression, which are evident, non-destructive, low by-productivity and very low relapse rates, are now the most safe and effective means of treating trident neuropsychiatric pain, as currently recognized.

Diagnosis of trident nerve pain:

The diagnosis of trident neuropsychiatric pain is largely dependent on the patient ‘ s history. As mentioned above, pain is characterized by severe pain in the form of one-sided, hairy, slash, electroshock or tornado, and can cause pain through skin irritation such as skin touching, chewing, brushing, blowing or shaving. In comparison with neuropsychological pain, the characteristic of neurological pain is burning the pain with numbness.

Over time, the mitigation period has become shorter and the pain has become longer. When pain cannot be triggered, it has often progressed to a difficult time. One third of the patients suffer pain at night. The first pain of a simple trident nerve is rare.

How does the root of trident nerve pain work?

Trident neurological pain is one of 12 pairs of skull nerve, divided into three;

(a) The first: control over the upper eye;

(a) The second (upholstery) controls the part between the mouth horn and the eyebrow;

(b) The third (lower crotch) controls the parts below the mouth corner;

The second and third are the most visible.

The order of the rooting order around the trident nerve is that the lower neurological is on the outer side of the abdomen, the eye nervous is on the inside side of the back, the upper neurological is between the two, and there is a wide correlation between the root and the root, but the sense can still be clearly distinguished between the three above.

In addition to microvascular repressures, which are the preferred treatment for root trident neuropsychiatric pains, daily daily attention plays an important role in the rehabilitation of trident neuropsychiatric pains, which include: There is a great deal of attention for trident nerve pains, and many patients are not well informed about trident neuropsychiatric pains in their lives and have taken inappropriate measures in the face of similar problems, which have had a negative impact on the rehabilitation of the disease.

Trident nerve pain should be self-regulating.

(1) Living and eating in a regular manner, ensuring adequate sleep and rest, avoiding overwork, resting in good spirits, building confidence in the fight against disease and actively cooperating in the treatment.

(2) Appropriate participation in sports, physical exercise and physical improvement.

(3) The movement is slow, preventing all the factors that induce pain, such as washing the face, brushing the teeth, etc., and avoiding irritation as much as possible. In cold days, keep warm and avoid cold winds blowing through the face.

(4) Access to softer food, and to people who suffer from pain as a result of chewing. No fried, irritating, seafood and hot food. More vitamin-rich food and detoxification.