Upper respiratory infections? Don’t be afraid, the doctor’s taking you to the promotion.
Little people, do they sometimes feel their throats tickling, their noses clogged, and they’re covered with a thick fog? If the answer is yes, you’re probably being stalked by an infector of the upper respiratory tract! But don’t worry, I’m here today to be your superhero and take you with me to deal with this little monster!
First, we need to figure out what the upper respiratory infections are. Actually, it’s the little bodyguards in the upper part of our respiratory tract — the nose, the throat, the place where the bacteria or the virus has invaded! When the “enemy” came, our bodies began to call the police, like snots, coughs, sore throats, etc., and they were asking us for help! Zenium
So, how did you find the upper respiratory infections? Hey, that’s a lot of reason! For example, when the weather gets colder, our little bodyguards get cold, their immunity drops; and, for example, when we don’t wash our hands, the bacterial virus takes advantage of “drilling.” So, in order to stay away from the upper respiratory infections, we have to start with a drop in daily life, like hand washing, masking, exercise, etc., so that our little bodyguards can get stronger! Zenium
All right, now that we know the real face of respiratory infections, we’re going to have to start “do something”! First of all, we have to learn to “identify the enemy” — to observe our symptoms. If you find yourself running snot, coughing, sore throats, even a little fever, then be careful! At this point, we need to take urgent measures, such as drinking water and rest, to give the body enough energy to fight the “enemy”.
Of course, if the “enemy” is too powerful, we’ll still have to ask the “end weapon” — drugs to help! But before we take the pills, we’ll have to read the instructions. Besides, drugs aren’t all-powerful. They’ll help us with the symptoms.
In addition to taking pills, we can accelerate our recovery through some of the great tricks! The use of salt water, for example, reduces bacteria in the throat; and the application of hot towels to the nose relieves the symptoms of nose plugs. It’s simple, but it’s not easy!
But remember, little guys, upper respiratory infections are not a major disease, but they can’t be taken lightly! If you find your symptoms getting worse or long, you have to go to a doctor! After all, our health is the most important thing!
And finally, what I’m trying to say is that upper respiratory infections are not scary, and we can easily “do” an upgrade if we have the right response! So take care of yourselves! Remember to wash our hands, wear masks and exercise so that our bodies can be stronger and healthier!
All right, that’s enough for med school today! Let’s hope the little boys get away from the respiratory infection of this little monster and have fun every day! If there’s any other problem, or if you want to learn more about health, come and see me anytime!
(Note: Created as a congenial style, based on the above, to enhance readability and taste. In case of physical discomfort, call for medical attention in a timely manner.