What are the concerns after the stomach cancer?
Stomach cancer surgery is an important tool for the treatment of stomach cancer, but post-operative recovery requires the high priority of patients and their families. Knowledge of care after a stomach cancer operation helps to improve the patient ‘ s recovery, improve the quality of life and reduce the risk of relapse.
The first is the diet. Changes in the structure and functioning of the stomach have occurred as a result of stomach cancer operations, and dietary adjustments are particularly critical. In the early stages of the post-operative period, the gastrointestinal creeping has not yet been fully recovered, requiring a period of fasting to supplement the nutrients through intestine or nose feeding. Until the gastrointestinal function is restored, a small amount of food can be given, such as water, rice soup, etc., and a gradual transition to semi-meal, such as porridge, noodles, etc., before soft food. The diet should be based on the principle of eating less, so as to avoid over-eating at a time and to increase the stomach burden. Food is selected for digestive, protein-rich, vitamins and minerals, such as skinny meat, fish, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits, while reducing ingestion of spicy, oily, irritating and coarse fibres, preventing damage to the gastrointestinal tract or indigestion.
The second is physical adjustment. Patients are weak after an operation and need adequate rest to facilitate recovery, but are not able to stay in bed for long periods and should be able to operate as appropriate in their own circumstances. Early activities can promote gastrointestinal creeping and the prevention of lung complications, such as pneumonia, pneumonia, etc., as well as blood circulation and the prevention of leaching. For example, on the first day of the operation, you can turn over to your bed, move your limbs, try to sit up the next day, stand by the bed, walk slowly with the assistance of medical personnel or family members, and then gradually increase the volume and range of activities. At the same time, it is important to maintain good living habits, to stop smoking and alcohol, to keep regular routines, to ensure adequate sleep and to avoid overwork and stress.
And there’s wound care and observation. After the operation, close attention is paid to the condition of the wound, keeping it clean and dry, avoiding water contamination and preventing infection. Observe any abnormalities such as haemorrhage, seepage, rupee, increased pain, etc., and inform the medical staff in a timely manner of their handling. In addition, there may be fluids that can be placed after a stomach cancer operation, such as stomach tubes, abdominal catheters, etc., which should be properly fixed to prevent the diversion, pressure, loss, close observation and documentation of the colour, quantity and nature of the fluid, which can help to detect complications such as haemorrhage and contomic fistula after a doctor ‘ s diagnosis.
Psychological adjustment should also not be overlooked. Patients with stomach cancer often face problems such as physical discomfort, fear of re-emergence and lifestyle changes, which can lead to anxiety and depression. These negative emotions affect the appetite, sleep and body recovery of patients and even weaken the body ‘ s immune function. Patients must therefore actively adapt their mentalities, and family and friends must give their full care and support to encourage them to build confidence in overcoming the disease. Patients can relieve psychological stress by communicating with others, listening to music, reading, etc. and, if necessary, seeking help from a psychologist.
Regular review and follow-up are also key components. The risk of re-emergence after stomach cancer is high, and periodic reviews can detect re-emergence or transfer in time for appropriate treatment. The review items typically include blood tests (e.g., blood protocol, tumor markers, etc.), stomach glasses, abdominal ultrasound, CT etc. The specific review time and the project should follow the doctor ‘ s recommendation. In addition, depending on the condition, some patients may need follow-up treatment, such as chemotherapy, treatment, and target-oriented treatment, in order to reduce relapse and increase survival. Patients should be treated on time and in strict accordance with the treatment programme established by the doctor, taking into account the adverse effects of the treatment and providing timely feedback to the doctor for treatment.
Stomach cancer requires more attention in a wide range of areas, including diet, physical adjustment, wound care, psychological adjustment and regular review and follow-up. It is only through comprehensive post-operative care and rehabilitation management that patients can be helped to successfully survive the post-operative recovery period, improve their quality of life, extend their lives and fight cancer better.
Stomach cancer