What are the early symptoms of breast cancer?
What are the early symptoms of breast cancer? The symptoms of early breast cancer are less visible and are often dominated by local symptoms such as breast swelling, breast skin abnormalities, nipple spills, nipples or lactation abnormalities, and are very easily overlooked because of their invisibility. The symptoms of early breast cancer are less visible, and late-stage breast cancer can lead to long-range cancer cell transfer, multi-organosis of the whole body and a direct threat to the life of the patient. The symptoms of early breast cancer, which are typical early symptoms, are less visible and are often dominated by local symptoms such as breast swelling, breast skin abnormalities, nipple spills, nipples or irance abnormalities, and are very easily overlooked due to lack of visible performance. Different typical manifestations are described in detail below. Breasts are the most common symptoms of early breast cancer. The mammography is cross-crossed, and the swelling is often at the outer limit, with single-sided, rigid, irregular edges, surfaces that are not smooth and easily pushed. The majority of breast cancers are painless swelling, and a few cases are accompanied by different levels of pain or sting. Breast skin abnormally large breasts tend to encroach on the surrounding local tissue, with various signs. When a swollen swollen gland and a fragrance between the skin, the skin can be held in dents, as if it were a dimple, so it is called “dimple intoxication”. When cancer cells block the lymphorate tube, they cause lymphoid oedema, and mammary skin changes in orange skin, also known as “Orange decorated”. When the cancer cell is immersed in the skin, it can form a dispersed skin rigid knot, i.e. a “skin-satellite knot”, around the main spa. Special types of breast cancer, such as inflammatory breast cancer, are manifested in red, thick and hard breast skins, with orange skin appearances, and gradually become purple red with bruises. nipples, tizziness, when a swollen puff attacks a nipple or tizziness, can be constricted, biased, or even completely constricted to the back of the nipple. Special types of breast cancer, such as breast-grass cancer, are shown by single-sided nipples, irradiation and the aching of the skin around them, the appearance of red velvet rashes, the appearance of seepages or agglomerations on the surface and the formation of ulcer if severe. In the case of breast cancer, which is partially breast-milk in a non-physiological state (e.g. during pregnancy and lactation), a one-sided breast can have a breast-leaving fluid, which is mostly of a blood, plasma or water nature. The lymphoma swollen lymphoma in the armpit when cancer cells fall from breast cancer can break into the surrounding lymphophone and be transferred to its local lymphosphate lead area. The first cases were characterized by a swollen lymph nodes of the same armpit, which were active. The lymph knots then become smaller, larger and more so that they are finally integrated and fixed. As the condition continues to develop, the transferred lymph knot can be felt on the collarbone and the side armpit. Patients with symptoms of breast cancer show signs of maladies in the middle and late stages, associated with a lack of appetite, anorexia, wasting, weakness, anaemia and fever. Some of the patients can experience transvestite symptoms based on lung, pleural, bone, liver and brain. Pulmonary and pleural transferal lungs are common areas of transfer for breast cancer, often in the form of double-sided multiple knots. Patients can suffer from cough, respiratory difficulties, blood and chest pain. The pleural transfer manifests itself mainly in cough, fatigue, weakness, breathing difficulties and, in some cases, chest pain. The most vulnerable parts of bone transfer are the spinal, rib, pelvis and long bones, which can also be found in the shoulder, skull and so forth, mainly in the form of bone pain, high calciumemia, alkaline phosphate and lactated dehydrogenase. When the liver transfers are smaller, there are no special symptoms, and when the swelling is larger, or on a wider scale, hepatic swelling, pain in the liver, reduced appetite, abdominal swelling, etc., can occur at a later stage, such as yellow sapling and abdominal water. Brain transfer takes the form of brain transfer and brain transfer. Clinical manifestations of brain transfer are mainly in the form of increased intracircle pressure, which is manifested in headaches, vomiting and oscillations of ocular nipples, with epilepsy. The main manifestations of brain transfer are cerebral irritation, neurological stress and higher internal pressure.