The lack of timely and effective treatment of the arterial catheters has multiple long-term effects on the lives of patients, as follows:Impact on the functioning of the heart . Changes in the heart structure: As the blood of the aorta continues to be diverted to the pulmonary artery as a result of the failure to close the artery, long-term overloading can lead to a gradual expansion of the left heart, left heart, and to a gravitational hemorrhage. As the condition progresses, the right-heart room may also be expanded as a result of subsequent problems, such as pulmonary artery high pressure, changes in the morphology and structure of the entire heart, effects on the normal constriction and convulsion function of the heart, and reduced pumping blood efficiency.:: Increased risk of heart failure: Continuing heart structure abnormalities and hemodynamic disorders may eventually trigger heart failure. People suffer from increased respiratory difficulties, which may initially be of a labour-related nature, which may be difficult to breathe at the end of the period, or even need to sit on the end; it is accompanied by a growing sense of inactivity and fatigue, with a significant decline in activity tolerance, with daily and simple activities, such as walking, up and down the stairs, becoming extremely difficult, seriously affecting their ability to provide for themselves and their quality of life. At the same time, heart failure can be repeated and acute, requiring frequent medical treatment and increasing the burden of treatment.Effects on the respiratory system: repeated infections in the respiratory tract, such as frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., as a result of increased circulation of long-term pulmonary cycling blood, a reduction in the resistance of the pulmonary blood vessels, and vulnerability to bacteria, viruses, etc. This not only affects the patient ‘ s physical discomfort and affects normal life, learning or working rhythms, but may also result from the long-term use of drugs such as antibiotics for treatment, which poses a range of problems, such as adverse drug reactions and drug resistance.Pulmonary function damage: As the condition evolves, the pulmonary artery is subject to high pressure, a series of pathological changes occur in the pulmonary veins, such as a thicker vascular wall, a narrow cavity, a severe effect on the pulmonary aerobic and aerobic functions, and the patient feels short, insufficient, less and less able to exercise physical activity as normal, even in a quiet state, which greatly limits the patient ‘ s scope of activity and social life.Impacts on growth and physical development — growth and stunting: This is particularly evident in children’s patients, who suffer from loss of heart function, inadequate blood supply in the organism, and are also affected by the delivery of nutrients and metabolism, with high heights, slow body weight growth and poor physical development compared to their peers, as well as slower mobility, language, cognitive development, which can affect normal learning and integration into collective life, with some negative impact on their psychological and social development.• Decline in physical capacity: children and adult patients are chronically affected by the unsealed artery, their physical condition deteriorates, they are vulnerable to fatigue and inactivity, they are significantly less resilient, they are difficult to perform heavy physical work or to participate in sports, and they limit many life choices, such as the enjoyment of the pleasures of sport as a healthy person, and they are able to perform physical tasks at work.The effect on the mental state – anxiety and anxiety: because of long-term illness, poor physical condition and the need for frequent medical treatment, various examinations and treatments, the vulnerability of patients to anxiety, fear of the development of the condition, the effects of the treatment and the future of life, this mental state may further affect the quality of sleep, appetite, etc., and create a vicious circle that increases the physical and psychological burden.• Social exclusion and low self-esteem: due to limited physical mobility, the inability to participate in social activities, out-of-home activities, etc., as normal people do, patients may gradually reduce social contact, distance themselves from friends, colleagues, etc., and thus become susceptible to low self-esteem, affecting mental health and normal personality development, especially for young patients, which may have a longer-term negative impact on their personality formation and future development.The effects on life expectancy can be significantly affected if the arterial catheters are not closed and cause serious complications, such as severe pulmonary artery high pressure, stubborn heart failure, and if they are not effectively controlled, the lifetime of the patient will be significantly affected, the duration of life may be significantly reduced and the quality of life will be at a lower level in the long term, placing a heavy burden on the patient himself and on the family.In general, the long-term impact of unsealed artery catheters on the lives of patients is multifaceted and severe, so early diagnosis and timely regulation of treatment are essential to improve patients ‘ prognosis, improve their quality of life and ensure a normal life.
Posted inHealth and wellness