What are the screening items that need to be done before a test tube is made?
It is a well-known fact that a husband and wife are required to perform a detailed examination of the physical condition before starting to be an in vitro baby, and even less is required to do. In order to understand clearly what an in vitro baby needs to be examined, many will come to see what needs to be done before starting to be treated.
The examination of in vitro babies is a step towards a detailed understanding of the physical condition of both spouses and must be completed before the formal treatment cycle.
There are several aspects to the programme for both spouses, as follows:
1 Sexual hormones, consisting of FSH (egging stimulants), LH (yellows), PRL (polycin), E2 (ediol), P (pregnant) and T (testone). An understanding of the female ovaries’ endocrine base and storage functions is useful for later ovulation.
2. Negative B Supercheck. To understand the basic state of female uterus, ovaries, pelvic cavities, ovaries and membranes development, doctors are better informed about the basics of patients during in vitro infant transplants.
3 Anti-Mulph Pyrohorin (AMH). A basic stock of ovaries is known, and ovaries can be assessed, with some benefit to women. Menstruation and menstruation can be done for any period of time.
Easier analysis, the main items being semen routines, sperm morphology, etc. Men ‘ s semen is examined in order to have a certain understanding of the quality of their sperm and to improve the survival of later-stage ovulations and semens.
General physical examination, including blood, urine, liver and kidney function, hepatitis B, two-and-a-half, electrocardiogram, chest penetrating, chlamydia, etc.
6. Screening for infectious diseases, including syphilis, hepatitis C and HIV.
7. Detection of genetic diseases, such as land poverty screening.
The above is an introduction to the question of which items to check prior to the application of the test tube. If you have more questions about infertility or artificially assisted pregnancy, you can leave a message or search Kunming Aveveve Hospital for more information.