What are the symptoms of female HPV infection?


Hello. What are the symptoms of female HPV infection?

Question answer:

In the case of women with HPV, the symptoms that may occur include: This is a common manifestation of HPV infection, usually in the genitals, vaginas, cervix and anal weeks, in the form of light red or gray small rashes, with shapes such as vegetable or chicken corona, which may grow and may be integrated into blocks. genital itching: HPV infection may cause itching in the external and vaginal parts, possibly due to the virus ‘ s irritation to the skin or mucous membranes. Vaginal genre abnormalities: Females infected with HPV may experience an increase in vaginal genre, changes in colour, and abnormal odor. They may become thin, sticky or watery, sometimes accompanied by blood. Exposure to haemorrhage: HPV infection can lead to cervix disease, such as cervical cancer, in more serious cases. At this point, vaginal haemorrhage may occur after a sexual or gynaecological examination. In addition, female exposure to HPV can lead to diseases such as cervical disease, cervix plaster, and may result in symptoms of overall discomfort such as fever, fatigue and headache. Please note that these symptoms do not always occur and their severity varies from person to person. If there are symptoms, prompt medical treatment is recommended and relevant examinations are conducted for diagnosis and treatment. If a patient is suspected or diagnosed with an acute hysteria, he can add 💬jrsy820 to a private interview.