What can I do with a low plate plate? Chinese medicine? Recommended Collection
When the plate is low, it can be upgraded by Chinese medicine and diet. The following are specific recommendations:
Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine:
The description of the efficacy of the pharmacological pharmacological graphs, which are considered suitable for haemophiles, such as fibrosis, yellow, which have the effect of providing abdominal and anti-hemorrhagic slabs, and the drug used to prevent the slabs from reducing the use of cholesterol for curing blood, which is the drug used to remediate the cyanide, can be used to remediate blood.
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Iron-rich food:
Animal liver, pig belly, skinny meat, egg yolk, etc., these foods are iron-rich, can improve human blood production, can raise the slabs and prevent anaemia.
The date can also have a good retributive effect, increasing the number of platelets in the body.
High protein food:
Milk, skinny meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc., can provide the human body with the necessary proteins to supplement the symptoms of increased haemorrhage and weak health as a result of a reduction in the platelets.
High vitamin food:
Vitamin C, for example, can contribute to the absorption of iron in the body, thus reducing the low blood plate. Fresh vegetables and fruits can be eaten more, including goats, oranges, monkeys, tomatoes, grapes, flamingo, spinach, barley, cabbage and apples.
In the application of Chinese medicine and diet, it shall be carried out under the direction of a doctor in accordance with the individual ‘ s state of health and condition.
Avoiding cold, spicy, irritant foods and substances harmful to the body such as tobacco and alcohol.
Maintain adequate sleep, avoid staying up late and overworking.
Keep your mood open and avoid overstretching.
Appropriate exercise to promote blood circulation and metabolism.
In conclusion, when the plate is low, it can be upgraded by Chinese medicine and diet. Please note, however, that these methods should be conducted under the guidance of a doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness. At the same time, the slab count is regularly monitored to assess the effects of treatment.
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