What caused, in the summer, frequent arrhythmia?
The following are the main reasons for the high incidence of arrhythmia in the summer:
1. Increased intake of high-eating foods
The summer is rich and varied in various foods, and people tend to consume more of the high-eat foods.
For example, seafood, the summer season is a very high-marketed season for seafood, which is delicious for shrimp, crabs, shellfish and so on, but they have high levels of larvae. Barbecue is also a common food for the summer, especially for the internal organs of animals, cattle and goats.
In addition, people like to drink beer in the summer, which also contains a certain amount of thorium, and alcohol affects the excretion of urea, leading to an increase in blood urea, which leads to a painful development.
During the summer, some people also consume large quantities of beans and beans products, such as beans, which also contain high amounts of thorium, and long-term large-scale consumption may increase the risk of arrhythmia.
2. Increased intake of sugared drinks
Summers are hot, people are prone to thirst, and sugary beverages are the preferred choice for heat relief. However, excessive consumption of sugared beverages, especially sugar-rich ones, increases the generation of urea acid in the body. Veeic acid precursors are produced during the internal metabolic process, resulting in higher levels of blood urea and increased potential for arrhythmia.
Water loss
1. Khaning
It’s hot in the summer and it’s sweaty. High levels of sweat can lead to loss of moisture, and if sufficient moisture is not replenished in a timely manner, the concentration of urea acid in blood can increase relatively. Higher levels of urea acid can easily form the form of urea acid crystallization, which is deposited, for example, in joints, causing arrhythmia. Moreover, sweating reduces urine and the excretion of urea acid reduces, further exacerbating the accumulation of urea acid in the body.
2. Inappropriate use of air conditioners
People spend a long time in air-conditioning rooms in the summer, with a much higher temperature difference in the interior and out. If you suddenly enter a low-temperature air-conditioning room from outside the hot room, the joint is prone to cold irritation. The sudden temperature changes may affect the local blood circulation of the joints, making it easier for the urea acid crystals to accumulate at the joints and thus induce arrhythmia.
1. Volatility
In the summer, some people increase their sports, such as outdoor exercise, swimming, etc. However, in cases of excessive or inappropriate exercise, joint damage may result. Artificial damage can cause local inflammation, which in turn affects the metabolism and excretion of urine and increases the risk of arrhythmia.
On the other hand, there are those who are lazy in the summer because of the heat, have significantly reduced their exercise, have slowed down their physical metabolism and are not conducive to the excretion of urine.
2. Irregularity
Summer nights are shorter and people have a relatively rich night life and are prone to long nights. Infrequentity affects the endocrine and metabolic function of the body and can lead to urea acid metabolic disorders, increasing the probability of arrhythmia.
In general, ailments tend to occur in the summer due to a variety of factors, including diet, water loss and changes in living habits. As a result, the burden of arrhythmia should be increased during the summer with regard to dietary control, adequate water intake, moderate exercise and regularity in order to reduce the risk of ailments.