What do patients with bleeding tendencies normally care?

People with haemorrhagic tendencies need special attention in their daily lives to reduce the risk of haemorrhage and maintain healthy lifestyles.1. Compliance with medical instructions, periodic inspectionsFollow medical instructions: Use drugs, including dosages and time, strictly in accordance with the doctor ‘ s instructions, without self-inflicted reduction or withdrawal.Periodic check-ups: periodic blood examinations, monitoring of the slab count and other relevant indicators to keep abreast of changes in the condition.Dietary management(b) A balanced diet: To ensure nutritional balance, with more vitamin K-rich foods, such as green leaf vegetables, fruits and whole grains, to help blood condensate.Avoiding stimulant foods: Reduced intake of spicy, greasy, over-hard foods that can stimulate gastrointestinal tracts and increase the risk of haemorrhage.Restriction of alcohol: Avoid drinking as much as possible, as alcohol can increase haemorrhage.3. Drug useAvoid anticondensants: Do not take anticondensants on your own, e.g. aspirin, Wafalin, etc., unless recommended by a doctor.The doctor is informed that, when visiting another doctor or buying non-prescribed drugs, the doctor is informed that he has a tendency to haemorrhage in order to avoid the use of drugs that may increase the risk of haemorrhage.4. Personal hygieneOral care: use of soft-haired toothbrushes, soft-brushed teeth, and avoidance of haemorrhage.Avoid snouting: Do not dig a nosehole so as not to damage the vein inside the snout.5. Daily activitiesAvoiding violent motion: Selecting low-intensity sports, such as walking, yoga or Taiping, and avoiding collisions or falls caused by intense motion.Use of protective measures: Use of protective equipment, such as helmets, knee protection, etc., during activities that may cause damage.6. Avoidance of injuriesCareful operation: Particular care should be taken when using sharp tools or carrying out activities that may cause harm.Prevention of fall: keep the home clean and avoid trauma from falling.7. Managing chronic diseasesControl of blood pressure: patients with high blood pressure should actively control blood pressure, which can lead to a broken blood vessels.Managing diabetes: Diabetes patients should control blood sugar, which affects vascular health.8. Emotional managementAvoiding excessive stress: Excessive stress and anxiety can lead to increased blood pressure and increase the risk of haemorrhage.Be optimistic: Be positive, contribute to overall health.9. Emergency preparednessUnderstanding symptoms: Early symptoms of haemorrhage, such as bruises on the skin, bruises, nose or tooth bleeding.Emergency contact information: Carrying emergency contact information, including doctor ‘ s contact information, emergency contact person, etc.10. Travel attendanceCarrying medical information: Traveling with a medical information card indicating his/her condition and medication.Avoiding long sitting positions: When travelling by air or car for long periods of time, activities should be carried out on a regular basis in order to prevent the formation of haemorrhages.Concluding remarksPeople with haemorrhagic tendencies need to pay special attention to these aspects in their daily lives in order to reduce the risk of haemorrhage. Through good self-management, patients can maintain a higher quality of life and reduce the health problems associated with haemorrhage. At the same time, maintaining close contact with the medical team and communicating changes in a timely manner are essential to control the hemorrhage trend.