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Breast cancer bone transfer means that breast cancer cells spread through the blood cycle to the bones and grow in the bones to form transfer stoves. Bones transfer is one of the common complications of late-stage breast cancer, which can lead to symptoms such as pain, fracture and spinal cord oppression. The following is the treatment of breast cancer bone transfer:1. Identification and evaluation:- Conducting detailed medical examinations, including photographic examinations of X-rays, CT scans, MRI and bone scans (Bones ECTs) to determine the existence and extent of bone transfer.- Blood testing, such as oncology markers CEA, CA15-3, and calcium haematology.- Bone marrow piercing or biopsy to confirm the type and biological properties of breast cancer cells.Multidisciplinary team treatment:- The treatment of breast cancer bone transfers requires the cooperation of multidisciplinary teams, including oncologists, radiologists, osteoporologists, pain management specialists, nutritionists and psychologists.- Development of individualized treatment programmes, taking into account the overall condition of the patient, his or her state of well-being, the number and location of transfer stoves.Treatment:Drug treatment:Endocrine treatment: If breast cancer is cytohormoxin-positive, endocrine-based treatment drugs, such as his mosaics, tacos, etc. can be used.- chemotherapy: chemotherapy may be considered for patients whose hormone receptor negative or endocrine treatment is ineffective.- Targeting treatment: Targeting drugs for Sher2-positive breast cancer, e.g., tuttos monotony, Pattos monotony, etc.- Osteoporosis: Duplexate-type drugs (e.g., acrylic acid, sodium papilate) can reduce complications from bone transfer, such as fractures and pain.Radiotherapy:- To alleviate pain caused by bone transfer and to control progress. Radiotherapy can be directed at single or multiple bone transfer stoves.Surgery:- In some cases, surgery may be required to repair or stabilize bones damaged by bone transfer, especially when fractures or spinal cord pressure occur.Pain management:- The use of painkillers, including anti-inflammation drugs, opioids, etc., and step-by-step treatment based on pain levels.- Neural retardation or spinal anesthesia techniques for the control of severe pain.4. Life adaptation and supportive treatment:- Maintaining a good nutritional status with appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplements to support bone health.- Carrying out appropriate physical activities, such as walking, yoga, etc., in order to improve health and reduce osteoporosis.- Psychological support, including psychological counselling and treatment, to help patients cope with the psychological stress caused by the disease.5. Follow-up and monitoring:- Periodic visual and blood tests to monitor the evolution of the condition and the effects of the treatment.- Timely adjustment of treatment programmes to respond to new symptoms or medical advances.In the face of breast cancer bone transfer, patients and families need to maintain a positive attitude and work closely with the medical team to address the challenges posed by the disease. Although bone transfer means that breast cancer is at an advanced stage, it still relieves symptoms, improves the quality of life and prolongs survival through reasonable treatment.