What do you know about allergies? What do you know about allergies?Hoi-hai District Chief of Community Health Services, Zhang Jun, Deputy Medical Officer1. What is an allergy?Allergy nasalitis is a multifactorial disease caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, characterized by over-reaction of the immune system to environmentally sensitive fields such as pollen, dust mites and so forth, leading to mucous chronic inflammation. Symptoms are mainly sneezes, fluorine and nose plugs. Genetic factors, as well as changes in the environment, such as fungi spores, dust mites, animal excreta, and certain foods, can be triggers for allergies.2. What is the incidence of allergy in the population?Allergies are common chronic inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. There is a high trend in global prevalence. Some 500 million people worldwide suffer from allergies, with the highest prevalence in developed regions such as Western Europe, Northern Europe and North America, typically 12-30 per cent. An allergy epidemiological survey of ordinary Chinese adults showed a standardized adult prevalence rate of 11.1 per cent in 2005. This rose to 17.6 per cent in 2011. The disease is prevalent among children and young adults, with no significant difference between men and women. The disease can also induce asthma. The risk of asthma is three to five times higher for allergies.Figure 1 Sensitivity of allergies3. What are the types of allergies?Allergies can be divided into the following categories according to changes in the original season:1) Chronic transgenic nasalitisIt is the result of a permanent adaptation of house dust, mites, etc., but chronic nasal inflammation does not occur on a daily basis during the year, and it also increases seasonally.2) Seasonal Resilient NasalitisIt is mainly caused by the seasonal dispersion of plant pollen, also known as pollenism, which was used to be called “squad grass fever”. In practice, however, pollen patients may be sensitive to a variety of pollen, while in some areas pollen is present on a permanent basis, so that seasonally transmissible nasal diseases may also occur.In addition, allergies can be divided into two categories according to the onset of symptoms:1) Intermittent transgenic nasalitisSymptoms occur less than four days per week or in four weeks per year.2) Continuing Responsive NasalitisSymptoms occur four days a week or four weeks a year.Figure 2What are the main causes of allergy?1) Genetic factors:Family history is an important risk factor for allergies. The risk of a child ‘ s illness increases significantly if the parent has a sensitive disease. The multi-state nature of certain genes is associated with the susceptibility of allergies, such as the HLA gene on chromosome No. 6 and certain genes associated with immune responses.2) Environmental factors:Exposure to allergies is a direct cause of allergies. Common allergies include pollen, dust mites, animal skin, fungus and some food. Environmental pollution, tobacco use and climate change may also increase the incidence of allergies.3) The immune system response:Allergy nasal inflammation is an IGE-conducted hypersensitivity response. After first contact with the allergen, the organism produces a specific IGE antibodies, which are combined with large fat cells. When re-exposed to the same allergies, the allergies were combined with the IGE antibodies, causing the release of groupamine, alkyl and other inflammating media from fat and alkaline particles. These inflammatory media cause vascular expansion of the nasal mucous membrane, increased seepage and increased neurological reaction, leading to typical symptoms such as nasal itching, sneezing, fluorine and nose plugs.5. What are the typical symptoms of allergy?1) Nasal itch: Most patients have a nasal itch, sometimes accompanied by soft larvae, eye and throat itch.2) Spectrum sneezes: There are often multiple sneezes per day, ranging from three to five at a time to a dozen or more.3) Water snot: Increased number of snortings.4) Nasal plugs: Nose plugs on both sides, with varying degrees of weight. Symptom osmosis is evident for pollen-sensitizers, with heavy nasal plugs and, in some cases, a loss of smell.6. What are the possible attendant symptoms of allergy?It can be accompanied by eye symptoms, including itching, tearing, burning of the eyes, etc., and respiratory symptoms such as larynx, chest irritation, cough, asthma, etc., most of which are found in pollen allergic.Figure 3 Treatment of allergies by needle sting (provision: Zhang Zhang Zhen Deputy Medical Doctor)7. Main treatment and prevention methodsThe main treatment methods are as follows:1) Avoiding exposure to allergies: this is an essential measure for the treatment of allergies.2) Drug treatment: including anti-monols and sugary cortex hormones.3) Immunotherapy: For persons with severe allergies, the use of single cloned antibodies or specific immunotherapy for Ige could be considered.4) Physicological therapy: Physicological treatment of allergic nasal inflammation at the hysteria of needles, which can be significantly reduced by 70% of patients, i.e., through sneezes, snots, nose plugs, etc.The main preventive measures are as follows:1) Avoid contact with known allergies: keep indoor air fresh, regularly replace bedding and use air purification.2) A balanced diet: Increased immunity.3) Avoiding swallowing and second-hand smoke: regular clean air-conditioning filters8. AttentionIf the symptoms of allergies cannot be alleviated by themselves or if other diseases affect them, the patient should seek medical assistance. Through standardized combination treatment, most patients can achieve optimal symptoms control and significantly improve their quality of life.
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