What do you know about children coughing?

1. Physiologically, cough is an effective defensive act for the clean airway, especially when there is a disproportionate amount of secretion in the airway. Although considered to be a protective physiological mechanism, frequent coughing often leads to ill-health and anxiety among parents. Coughing is also a very rapid means of transmission. Aerosols containing bacteria or viruses can move very far depending on their aerodynamics and air current speed. Therefore, when a child suffers from cough symptoms, the cause should be identified and the right treatment chosen as soon as possible.

The most common causes of cough are often respiratory diseases, including influenza, acute trachea-bronchitis, cough mutated asthma, bronchial expansion disorder, upper cough syndrome, chronic bronchitis, acute/chronic oscillosis, etc. Other systemic diseases include the digestive system (e.g., gastrointestinal retiposis), the cardiovascular system (e.g., pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary silt, pulmonary embolism, etc.), the nervous system (e.g., meningitis, meningitis, cold irritation, etc.). Cough symptoms can occur even when a child is suffering from an alien or mental condition. Coughing also occurs as a protective reflection when the patient is exposed to dust, smoke or some irritating gas.

3. Treatment of cough. Occasional coughs or minor dry coughs that occur after exposure to a small amount of irritant substances do not normally require special treatment. When cough persists or is accompanied by other symptoms of discomfort, such as heat, breathing difficulties, coughing, acoustics, coding, etc., attention needs to be given to the possibility of breast imaging, lung function, bronchos, etc., and active treatment. The reasons for the cough are different and the treatment is very different. Coughs due to exposure to irritating substances can be mitigated or stopped as soon as they are removed from the source of irritant substances and generally do not require special medication. In the case of respiratory diseases, the usual cough medicine generally falls into two categories: cough inhibition and cough promotion. The former is usually used for non-genocrine cough (dry cough), while the latter is used mostly for cough (wet cough) associated with over-gascrowding. This includes, inter alia, central cough and exterior cough medicine, as well as a combination of a dual mechanism. The most common coughing drugs for children include the right-meat saffron syrup, comfalconum, amambatro, calcium cough syrup, molybdenum syrup, calcium cough oral fluid, sodium monuste, etc. The appropriate oral treatment may be selected on the advice of a physician depending on the condition of the child. Aerosols, such as acetyl screamic acid, Tebtaline, ammonium isopropobromine and aminobromo solution, may also be used to mitigate cough or to treat infusion. There should also be active anti-infection treatment for children suffering from respiratory diseases. For children with high aeropharmaceutical response, treatment should be provided against groupamine. Coughs caused by diseases other than respiratory diseases should be improved as soon as possible to identify the causes. As an accompanying symptom, cough will disappear soon after the original disease is released.

4. Cough care When coughing occurs, the focus of home care should be to maintain the suitability of ambient temperature and humidity, to avoid respiratory irritation and emotional fluctuations, to protect the ingestion of sufficient water, energy and nutrition, to discourage irritating diets such as cold, spicy, greasy, etc., and to ensure quiet sleep and rest of the sick children and appropriate activities. In the event of any other discomfort or change in the condition of the child, the doctor ‘ s professional assistance should be sought immediately. In addition, the wearing of appropriate-size masks protects not only the wearers but also others from infection.

5. In summary, proper recognition and treatment of cough minimizes the suffering of children, promotes the healing of diseases and discourages the spread of infection.

Cough. Cough.