What do you know about lung cancer? One piece of pulmonary cancer.

“It’s also lung cancer. Why can’t I have surgery?” These questions must have been shared by a number of patients. The reason is simple, because lung cancer is a generic term, and the treatment depends on it — spectrometry, stratification, molecular stratification. Today, let’s talk about the styling of lung cancer. What are the types of lung cancer? By basic type, lung cancer can be divided into “small cell lung cancer” and “non-small cell lung cancer”. 1. In general, non-small cell lung cancer can be classified as lung gland cancer, lung plaster cancer and lung cell cancer. Lung gland cancer, though slow in growth, also loves “scrambling”, sometimes with blood transfers at an early stage, and lymph transfers at a later stage; on the contrary, lung plaster cancer is more “settling”, slow growth, longer pathologies and a preference for local growth, which is why some patients whose tumours, while growing to more than a dozen centimetres, are still confined to their chests (pulmonary and insulation). 2. Small-cell lung cancer, although its incidence is lower than that of non-small-cell lung cancer, which accounts for 10-15 per cent of new lung cancers, is more virulent and lower than expected. The clinical and pathological characteristics of small-cell lung cancer are distinct from those of non-small-cell lung cancer, often characterized by rapid growth, resistance to drugs and early transfer. Note: Almost all small-cell lung cancer patients have had a serious history of smoking. The smaller the banknotes, the better, but the smaller the lung cancer. Medically phased (based on an internationally common clinically clinical stage of lung cancer): stage I (phase I lung cancer, IA, IB) phase II (phase II lung cancer, IIA and IIB) phase III (phase III lung cancer, IIIA, IIIB and IIIC) stage IV lung cancer (phase III lung cancer, IIIB) can be interpreted as follows: stage I (early): the number of cancer cells is low and has not run for phase II (early): the increase in the number of cancer cells, some of which are disturbing, have run to stage III (middle-late): the number of cancer cells continues to increase, and the number of cancer cells continues to rise at long intervals near the pulmonary cavity, while their footprint is higher (late-stage) than the level of positive lung cancer is expected to increase, but “in the case of a relatively high rate of early and late-term survival rates of lung cancer,” with a higher incidence of positive lung cancer than the incidence of which is expected to occur at the very rare point, but with a “severanceal-teer-teer-teer-mal cancer,” and a lower-teal- Lung cancer is mostly associated with genetic, smoking, etc. Patients can suffer from disorders such as cough, chest pain, respiratory difficulties, etc. If you are unwell, you should visit the hospital as soon as possible in order to achieve early detection of lung cancer. Lung cancer