The fact that five fault areas of prostate cancer are known about prostate cancer sounds like a tight term and is a major health hazard for men. But in this era of information explosion, the myths about prostate cancer are eccentric. Today, together, let us open up the five faults surrounding prostate cancer and bring the truth to light.Mistake I: Prostate cancer affects only older malesProstate cancer is considered by many as a “patent” for older men, which is a big misunderstanding. While the incidence of prostate cancer increases with age, this does not mean that young men can live in peace. In practice, prostate cancer is likely to occur at any age, although men over 50 are relatively at higher risk. Thus, young men are equally concerned with their prostate health and are regularly examined.Erection 2: Prostate cancer must have symptoms.”I have no symptoms, so definitely no prostate cancer.” If you think so, it’s a big mistake. Prostate cancer tends to have no visible symptoms at an early stage or to be very minor and easily neglected. By the time the symptoms become apparent, cancer may have reached a later stage. Therefore, prostate cancer cannot be determined on the basis of symptoms alone. Regular prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests and rectal finger tests are important tools for early detection of prostate cancer.Mistake III: Prostate cancer screening leads to overtreatmentThere are concerns that prostate cancer screening can lead to many unnecessary treatments, thus placing unnecessary suffering and financial burdens on patients. This view is reasonable, but not comprehensive. Prostate cancer screening may indeed reveal tumours that have little impact on the patient ‘ s life, but can also save lives by early detection of invasive tumours. The key point is that once prostate cancer is detected, it is up to the professional physician to decide whether or not treatment is needed, depending on the characteristics of the tumor, the overall health status of the patient and the patient ‘ s wishes.Erective IV: Prostate cancer is treated only by surgery.The treatment of prostate cancer is much more than one surgical cut. In fact, according to the different stages of the condition and the specific circumstances of the patient, prostate cancer can be treated in a variety of ways, including surgery, treatment, endocrine treatment, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. For example, in the case of early prostate cancer, doctors may recommend root or radiotherapy; in the case of late or transgenic prostate cancer, endocrine treatment may be used to control the condition. Therefore, when faced with prostate cancer, patients should fully communicate with doctors to choose the most appropriate treatment for themselves.Miss five: The quality of life of prostate cancer will be compromised.Prostate cancer and its treatment may indeed have an impact on the quality of life of patients, such as possible urine incontinence, sexual dysfunction, etc. However, with advances in medical technology and the optimization of treatment programmes, these issues are becoming increasingly manageable. After treatment, many patients can effectively improve their quality of life through rehabilitation training and drug treatment. In addition, the psychological adjustment of patients, family support and social care are essential for improving the quality of life.In short, prostate cancer, though terrible, can be better prevented and treated as long as we leave behind these errors and recognize and treat it correctly. Men ‘ s friends, starting today, are concerned with their prostate health, regular medical examinations, and scientific treatment to keep their lives alive and alive. After all, health is the greatest asset of life. Prostate cancer
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