What do you need to know about breast cancer in your family?

If someone in the family has breast cancer, you’re probably more worried about your own risk. There is no need to be blindly concerned that scientific prevention and detection are key, and the following are some of the recommendations that have worked well to help you better understand and prevent breast cancer:I. Understanding risks(1) Family history: There are breast cancer cases in the family, especially in the immediate family, which increase your risk of disease, and it is true that the incidence of breast cancer in the family history is three to five times higher than in the general population. If the mother has breast cancer, the risk of breast cancer for her offspring is about 1.5-3 times as high as normal. In the history of the breast cancer family, when first-degree relatives (e.g. mothers, sisters) have breast cancer, other children or offspring are more likely to undergo mutation of the breast cancer gene, and the incidence of breast cancer is about 3-6 times higher than that of the general population.(2) Genetic mutation: Genetic mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with the incidence of breast cancer and it is important to understand their own genetic situation. For Chinese women, the probability of breast cancer occurring before the age of 79 is 37.9% and 36.5%, respectively, if they carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.II. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle(1) Dietary adjustments:High proteins, low fat diets: adequate intake of fish, skinny meat, eggs, beans, etc. to avoid high fat foods.(2) High-fibrous diet: Eat more of all cereals, vegetables, fruit, etc., and maintain intestinal health.(3) Vitamin supplements: appropriate intake of fresh vegetables and fruit, and food such as nuts and whole grains.(4) The avoidance of high-heat foods: limiting intake of sweets such as cakes, chocolates and fried foods.(5) Accompanying exercise: Selecting the appropriate mode of movement according to the individual ‘ s circumstances, such as walking, Tai Chi boxing, yoga, etc., to enhance body quality and improve immunity.♪ Three, more protective awareness ♪(1) Periodic medical examinations: periodic breast examinations to detect potential problems at an early stage.(2) Self-observation: knowledge of normal breast morphology and attention to abnormal changes.(3) Precautionary use of hormone-type drugs and hormonal-containing cosmetics to reduce exposure to harmful substances. The above measures reduce the risk of breast cancer. Remember that early detection and prevention are key. At the same time, maintain a positive mindset, maintain contact with families and friends, seek support and encouragement to face possible challenges together