What does breast cancer have to do after surgery?

We need to look into these situations.

1. Keep the wound clean and dry: avoid watering the wound, periodically replace the dressing of the wound in accordance with medical guidance and prevent infection.

2. Refrain from touching and scratching the wounds and reduce the adverse external irritation of the wounds.

3. Observation of the wound: To observe if there is blood or fluid seepage in the wound, and if it is found that the dressing is immersed in blood or other liquid, to inform the medical staff in a timely manner for treatment.

4. Take care to observe any unusual manifestations of redness, swelling, fever and increased pain around the wound, which may be signs of infection.

5. Avoid to hold the wound: After the operation, select the appropriate position, and avoid, to the extent possible, overstretching, lifting, etc., of the upper limbs, as well as the healing of the wound, for example, by not reaching hard enough to reach the high objects. When wearing a strip, act softly and you can wear a side limb first, then a body side limb, and strip in the opposite order, reducing the link to the wound.

6. Observe upper limb care: Eedema may occur with a side upper limb, with appropriate uplifts during rest periods, and promote lymphorate and blood reflows and reduce oedema. (b) Avoiding the use of side limbs to measure blood pressure, blood pumping, infusion, etc., and to prevent damage to upper limbs and oedema.

7. A reasonable diet: Increased intake of protein-rich foods, such as skinny meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc., helps to heal wounds. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, ensure an adequate supply of nutrients such as vitamins, enhance physical resistance and facilitate post-operative recovery.

Rehabilitation as prescribed by the doctor: The gradual exercise of rehab, such as handshakes, elbows and other simple actions, can facilitate the circulatory and body function recovery at the right time, while avoiding premature and excessive activity that affects the healing of the wound.

9. In the case of the replacement of wounds, it is necessary to comply strictly with the medical instructions to go to the hospital on time for a professional change of wounds, and to communicate with the medical staff in a timely manner, in case of unwellness in the course of the change.

Attention is paid to the operation of the medical staff during the change of medicines, to the general recovery of the wound and to the possibility of being asked on the spot if there is a question, so that they can follow up and better monitor the change.

Maintenance of the living environment – Maintenance of a clean living environment, regular cleaning, ventilation, reduction of suspended levels of dust, bacteria, etc. in the air and reduction of the risk of infection from wounds.

The indoor temperature is kept as comfortable as possible to avoid overcooling or overheating, as inappropriate temperatures may affect the local blood circulation of the wound and are not conducive to healing.

13. Psychological regulation – Maintaining a good mind and avoiding anxiety, stress, etc., from fear of the recovery of the wound, as negative emotions may affect to some extent the body ‘ s ability to recover, so as to relax by listening to music, talking to family and friends, etc.

14. Details of day-to-day activities – Get up and lie down as slowly and as smoothly as possible, and use as much of your arm as you can when you rely on your arm, to reduce the pressure on and involvement in side wounds.

15. When travelling by means of transport, care is taken to protect the wound from collision or crushing.

16. The choice of clothing, the choice of cotton, soft, loose clothing, the avoidance of tight, rough-cut clothing, the prevention of friction of wounds, and the additional irritation of wounds.

17. To comply with medical instructions, to take appropriate medications, such as inflammation, pain relief, as prescribed by a doctor, on time and at the appropriate time, and not to increase or stop the dose, to help control the inflammation of the wound, to ease the discomfort and to ensure its smooth healing.