What if the leukemia has a nosebleed and the plate is too low for chemotherapy?

The following measures may be taken in cases where a person suffering from leukaemia suffers from a nosebleed and a small plate is too low to undergo chemotherapy:

I. Urgent treatment of nosebleeds and closing of the valves to stop the bleeding

1. Partial oppression to stop the bleeding: use of sterile cotton balls for nasal filling, avoiding the use of napkins to avoid bacterial blood. In the event that the cotton plume is not effective, the five medical doctors can be asked to use the special swelling of the cotton strip or the oil veil to fill up the bleeding.

Bleeding plate: In the case of very low blood plate, to control the symptoms of haemorrhage, consideration may be given to increasing the number of slabs in blood.

Haemorrhage: under the direction of a doctor, hemorrhaging drugs, such as coagulant preparations, fibre proteins, etc., are used to help stabilize damaged blood vessels and reduce haemorrhage.

How to increase the number of platelets?

1. Medical treatment: Use of drugs that promote the production of slabs, such as TPO (scultivants), whitesino-11, Atrapopa, etc., to stimulate meganucleocellation in bone marrow into mature slabs. It needs to be noted, however, that these drugs may have some side effects and need to be used under medical supervision.

2. Blood transfusion treatment: In cases where the plate is very low and hemorrhage is severe, a single slab may be considered for rapid increase in the number of slabs.

iii. These issues require attention on a daily basis

1. Rest in peace: avoid violent activity in order to avoid increased haemorrhage and, if the plate is less than 20, lay down to the extent possible.

2. Dietary regulation: Multiple consumption of foods, such as iron-rich, vitamin C, which contribute to blood production, avoiding consumption of raw cold, oily and irritant foods.

3. Periodic monitoring: periodic monitoring of indicators such as blood and condensed blood in order to detect and address anomalies in a timely manner.

In the light of the above, in cases where people with leukaemia have more than a nosebleed and the plate is too low to undergo chemotherapy, it is urgent to deal with nosebleeds, increase the number of platelets, introduce de-chemical treatment for leukaemia and enhance daily care and attention. At the same time, there is a need to monitor changes in the patient ‘ s condition and to provide individualized treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

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