What should I do when the gallbladder is too big?

Excessive cysts can give rise to a range of problems, including cholesterol dysfunction, abdominal pain, infection and even the risk of cancer. Therefore, too much gallbladder needs to be addressed with appropriate measures. The following are some of the recommendations and possible treatments for overbold.I. EVALUATION OF THE NATURAL NATUREFirst, the size, morphology, quantity and signs of malign behaviour of the gallbladders need to be assessed through videotaping such as abdominal ultrasound, CT scan or MRI. These examinations help doctors to determine the nature and potential risks of salivation.Monitoring and observationDoctors may recommend regular monitoring for gallbladders with a diameter of less than 1 cm and no symptoms and no risk of malformation. Monitoring usually includes periodic abdominal ultrasound to observe changes in the size and nature of saloon meat.Drug treatmentIn some cases, doctors may try to use medication to control the symptoms associated with the cholesterol, such as painkillers. However, drug treatment usually does not eliminate salivating meat per se.IV. SurgerySurgery treatment may be considered if:1. Salmon diameter greater than 1 cm.2. There has been a rapid growth in sabbatical meat.3. The form of venom is irregular and suspicion is likely to change.Patients suffer from carnal pain, indigestion, etc.5. The patient is accompanied by gallstones.The main methods of surgical treatment include:1. Cholesterectomy: This is the most common method of surgery and applies to most cholesterol patients. The operation can be performed through abdominal lens, with small trauma and quick recovery. During the operation, the doctor removes the whole gallbladder and sabbatical.2. Cystic pelvis removal: if the cystic is benign and the cystic function of the patient is good, the option may sometimes be to remove only the cystic and to keep the cystic. However, this procedure may lead to a recurrence of stasis.Preparation and restoration of surgical treatment:Pre-operative assessment: Before the operation, the patient is required to undergo a full physical examination, including blood tests, electrocardiograms, etc., to ensure suitability for the operation.2. Post-operative recovery: After the operation, the patient is required to recover on the advice of a doctor, including rest, dietary adjustment, medication, etc. Abdominal lenses are usually hospitalized for short periods of time and recover quickly.3. Post-operative follow-up: After the operation, patients are required to conduct regular follow-up visits to monitor recovery and whether there has been a recurrence.V. Lifestyle adjustmentsWhether or not there is an operation, the patient should have the following lifestyle adjustments:Dietary adjustment: reduce intake of high fat, high cholesterol foods and increase fibre-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains.2. Weight control: Weight control through healthy diet and appropriate exercise to reduce the risks associated with obesity.3. Prohibition of alcohol: Tobacco and alcohol can have adverse effects on the health of the gallbladder.4. Periodic medical check-ups: even after the operation, periodic check-ups should be conducted to monitor the recurrence of the gallbladder.VI. Psychological supportFor people with gallbladders, anxiety and stress may arise from fear of disease development and surgery. Psychological support and counselling are therefore also important in helping patients better cope with the disease.In any event, in the case of excessive cysts, appropriate treatments should be assessed and developed by professional doctors on the basis of the size, morphology, growth rate and symptoms and overall health status of the patient. Surgery is a common option, but patients should also consider lifestyle adjustments and psychological support to promote overall health.