What should we care about in advanced chemotherapy?

Late-stage chemotherapy for cancer is a common treatment that, while it does not completely cure cancer, can be effective in extending the life of patients and improving their quality of life. In the course of chemotherapy, patients and their families need to pay attention to reducing the risk of treatment and improving its effectiveness.I. PRESENTATIONBe optimistic: late-stage cancer patients are often under great psychological pressure and remain optimistic is important for treatment. Families should give more care and support to help people to build confidence in defeating the disease.Sound understanding of chemotherapy: understanding the purpose, efficacy and possible side effects of chemotherapy helps patients to better cooperate with treatment.II. Dietary regulationA reasonable mix of diets: nutritionally balanced, with more foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, such as eggs, milk, skinny meat, fresh vegetables and fruit.Attention to dietary hygiene: prevention of digestive systems such as consumption of raw cold, greasy, irritating foods, and prevention of diarrhoea.(b) The lack of meals: patients ‘ appetites may be affected during chemotherapy, and nutritional intake can be ensured through the use of less meals.Maintaining good oral hygiene: chemotherapy can lead to oral ulcer, and patients should develop the habit of washing their mouths after eating and regularly brushing their teeth.III. Living care(c) Maintenance of the clean environment: maintenance of a clean and comfortable room or family environment, which facilitates patient rest and rehabilitation.Adequate activity: In the light of the patient ‘ s state of health, he or she is encouraged to exercise properly, such as walking, playing the Tai Chi, etc., to improve his or her health.Prevention of infection: chemotherapy reduces the immunity of patients and should minimize outing and avoid exposure to infectious diseases such as flu.IV. Side-effect responsesOsteo marrow inhibition: chemotherapy may lead to a decrease in white cells, red cells and blood panels. Patients should regularly check blood routines and, if necessary, use white-cell drugs, blood transfusions, etc.Indigestion: Disgusting, vomiting is a common side effect of chemotherapy. Patients can try to adjust their diets and, if necessary, use anti-opause drugs.Hair takeoff: Some chemotherapy can lead to loss of hair. Patients can wear wigs, maintain a good image and reduce psychological stress.Oral ulcer: maintenance of oral hygiene, use of mouthwash with painkillers, and consultation with a doctor in case of serious illness.V. MEDICAL REDUCTIONOn-time: strictly in accordance with medical instructions, dosages may not be altered or stopped at will.Observe the drug response: Observe the efficacy and side effects of the drug and communicate with doctors in a timely manner.Periodic reviewIndicators such as blood protocol, liver and kidney function are regularly examined to assess the effectiveness of chemotherapy.Visual screening is conducted in accordance with medical instructions for tumor changes.VII. FAMILY SUPPORTFamilies must give their patients full care and support and face the disease together.Learn to listen, learn about the psychological needs of patients and help them to survive.Assisting patients in daily care and reducing their physical burden.In general, advanced chemotherapy for cancer requires more attention, and patients and their families work together to actively cooperate with doctors for treatment. In the treatment process, a good mindset, a focus on diet and life care, and the right response to side effects can increase the effectiveness of the treatment and increase the duration of life.