What should we do with the bleeding?

Blood diseases are a category of diseases involving blood and blood tissues, including red cell diseases, white cell diseases and slab diseases. Haemorrhage is one of the common symptoms of blood diseases, especially when the slab count is lower or when the coagulation function is impaired. The following are some of the measures taken in the event of haemorrhage:1. Emergency assessmentsAssessing the severity of haemorrhage: Determines how fast, how much hemorrhage is and whether it is active.Monitoring vital signs: Includes heart rate, blood pressure, breathing frequency and oxygen saturation.Ask about the history of the disease: learn about the onset of haemorrhage, its location, the symptoms associated with it, etc.2. Emergency disposalKeep the respiratory tract open: For patients at risk of bleeding, it should be ensured that the respiratory tract is open.Establishment of an intravenous route: for rapid infusion and delivery.Control activity haemorrhage:Direct oppression: Direct oppression of haemorrhage.Use of tourniquets: In the absence of direct oppression, tourniquets can be used above the hemorrhage.Local bleeding meds: coagulation factors, coagulation enzymes, etc.Laboratory inspectionBlood: Check for haemoglobin, red cell, white cell and slab count.Coagulation function check: includes PT (condensed enzyme time), APTT (activated partial condensation activity enzyme time), INR (internationally standardized ratio) and fibre proteomic level.Blood plate function check: Assess the functioning of the plate.4. Targeted treatmentDeclining plate:Bleeding plate: For patients with very low blood plate count and severe haemorrhage, timely blood plate.Medicinal treatments such as cortex steroids, immunoglobins, etc., for diseases such as the reduction of violets in immunoplates.Coagulation functional impairment:Coagulant infusion: For patients with lack of coagulation, the corresponding coagulator.Fresh frozen plasma: contains all coagulation factors and applies to multiple coagulation functional disorders.Vitamin K: Shortage of vitamin K dependent condensers.Overdose of anticondensate:Resistants: For example, vitamin K is resistant to Wafalin, heparin overdoses can be used for sulfate fish proteins.Prevention of haemorrhageAvoiding the use of anticondensatives and anti-sculpture drugs: unless there is a clear adaptation.Avoiding trauma: Reduce the risk of possible haemorrhage.Oral care: use of soft-haired toothbrushes to avoid haemorrhage.6. Lifestyle adjustmentEating: Maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding hard or irritating food and reducing the risk of indigestion bleeding.Activities: Avoiding intense movement and reducing the risk of injury.Psychological support: The haemorrhage may cause anxiety and fear among patients and psychological support is important.7. Guardianship and management of complicationsClose custody: In cases of severe haemorrhage, care in the intensive care unit is required.Treatment of complications:Anaemia: If necessary, red cells are lost.Infection: Hemorrhage can lead to reduced immunity and timely treatment of infections.8. Education and self-managementPatient education: Teach patients to recognize signs and symptoms of haemorrhage and learn how to monitor themselves.First aid skills: teaching patients and their families basic first aid skills, such as how to stop the bleeding through direct oppression.SummaryHemorrhage treatment for blood patients needs to be rapid, accurate and comprehensive. In case of emergency, priority should be given to controlling active haemorrhage, stabilizing the vital signs of the patient and making the necessary laboratory examinations to identify the cause of haemorrhage. The treatment is based on the cause of haemorrhage and the specific circumstances of the patient. At the same time, the education of patients and their families is important in order to increase their awareness of and capacity to deal with haemorrhage incidents. Close communication with blood disease specialists should be maintained throughout the treatment to ensure optimal treatment.