What should we notice about stomach inflammation, stomach ulcer and diet?

In this fast-paced era, we have often neglected to take care of our bodies for work, learning and, in particular, eating irregularity and irrationality, making our stomach one of our most vulnerable organs. Stomach inflammation and ulcer, two common stomach diseases, not only affect our quality of life, but may also cause more serious health problems. Today, let us explore in depth the relationship between stomachitis, stomach ulcer and diet, and see how we can protect our stomachs in our daily lives by adjusting our eating habits.

Stomach inflammation and gastric ulcer: Unnegligible “ stomach” stomach inflammation, in short, stomach mucous inflammation, can be caused by a number of factors, including infection, drug irritation, self-immunization, etc., but the most common cause is poor eating habits. Long-term diets, heavy consumption, excessive consumption of spicy, greasy and stimulating foods increase the risk of stomach inflammation. The stomach ulcer is the open ulcer on the stomach mucous membrane, usually caused by the digestive effects of stomach acid and gastroprotease on the stomach mucous membrane. In addition to incentives similar to stomach inflammation, chronic stress and overwork are common causes of stomach ulcer.

Dietary adjustment: The first line of defence to protect stomach health is a crucial step in the face of stomach inflammation and ulcer. Here’s what we need to look at in our diet:

Regular diet: To maintain a diet that is measured at a given time and avoids the use of excessive consumption. Try to have a good breakfast, a full lunch and a low level of dinner, so that the stomach can work regularly.

2. Dilution and indigestion: selection of light, digestable foods such as vegetables, fruits, skinny meat, fish, etc. Avoid excessive consumption of greasy, spicy and irritating foods to avoid an additional burden on the stomach.

3. Avoiding irritating foods: irritating drinks such as alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, and spicy foods such as peppers and peppers can all contribute to the symptoms of stomach inflammation and stomach ulcer. Thus, daily consumption of these foods should be avoided or reduced as much as possible. 4. Eat more of the stomach foods, such as rice, pumpkins, mountain medicine, carrots, etc., all of which have the effect of gastrics and can help repair damaged stomach mucous membranes.

5. Attention to nutritional balance: Ensuring balanced intake of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals contributes to increased body immunity and to the restoration and regeneration of stomach mucous membranes.

Life habits are equally important, in addition to dietary adjustments, and good living habits are key to the prevention and treatment of stomachitis and stomach ulcer. (b) Ensure adequate sleep time to avoid lateness and overwork; remain happy and avoid chronic stress and anxiety; and conduct periodic medical examinations to detect and treat stomach disorders in a timely manner.

IV. CONCLUSION: Good stomach, good body. Remember, stomach is good, body is good! Let’s start today by paying more attention to our diet and way of life and giving more weight to health! In this age of information explosions, it is easy to ignore the small things around us, but health is a big deal. Let’s try to protect our stomachs.