Neurally-sourced bladder function disorder is an abnormal bladder function caused by a nervous system impairment or disease. The disease affects bladder contraction and relaxation, leading to symptoms such as urination difficulties, incontinence and frequency. Botoxin treatment is a more common method, and many patients wonder what the effect of botulinum toxin on neurogenic bladders is.
Professor Lee Xudong’s analysis
Type A botulinum toxin treatment for neurogenic bladders:
1. Emergency urine incontinence (UUI), e.g., overturning, leaking during transfer, etc.
2. After intermittent urine (CIC), the bladder capacity is gradually reduced and there is an acute incontinence during intermittent urine.
3. Ui-dynamics tests such as vehicular reflecting, bladder overactivity, low-resilient bladders, urea-negative muscle synergetic disorders (DSD) etc.
The role of type A botulinum toxin treatment in neurogenic bladders
1. Maintenance of normal kidney function to avoid high-pressure reverses and low-pressure urine storage.
Prevention of urinological infections.
Reduce urine leaks, maintain bladder capacity, and avoid complications from incontinence and urine retention.
What do you need to be aware of inoculation of meat toxin bladders?
1. Selection of regular hospitals: Injection of botulinum toxins needs to be done in a regular hospital and operated by a professional urologist.
2. Treatment in compliance with medical instructions: Injection of meat toxin requires the number of injections recommended by a specialist physician, the size of the injection, the area, the time interval, according to the results of the urine flow mechanics examination, the assessment of the bladder function.
The neurological control of combined meat toxin treatments is better for neurogenetic bladders.
In general, patients with neurological bladders use a variety of methods at the same time, which are more effective, such as a combination of muscular toxoid injections for cystals, the beating of meat toxin on cystals, lower tension, better urination in urine, reduced fibrosis of bladders by cystals, and reduced pressure on bladders and reduced resistance to urinary tracts. A combination of approaches is the advantage of the treatment of the team of experts in urinological surgery at the First Hospital of the University of Transport in Sian.