What’s with all the small particles?

A small number of small particles by the private director may have been caused by sharp hymns, fake hymns for women, male pearly rashes, etc., and recommendations were made to identify the causes of the disease and to treat it.

1. Skin disease, usually caused by human papillomavirus infection, which is contagious and avoids co-habitation during treatment, recommends the use of glandoxin under the direction of a physician, mitropharmaceuticals for treatment, and may also be treated in combination under the guidance of a physician, such as lasers, electric burning, etc.

Pictures of sharp hysteria in the anal.

2. Female pseudo-wetting: most of these are found in the inner parts of young women ‘ s small lips, symmetrical distribution, and can be drawn into the front courtesan. A light red or pearl-coloured rash, typical of 1-3 mm in diameter, is organized in a dense and non-integrated manner, looks like wool or fish and has a smooth surface. No special treatment is required.

3. Male pearly herpes: at the edge of the head and the coronary gutter. The damage was 1-3 mm and the top garden was smooth, some of them hairy or silky. The mammoths are often not integrated and can be arranged in an intensive manner into one or more rows. No special treatment is required.

In day-to-day life, attention is paid to personal hygiene, to changing clothes, to changing beddings, and to spicy and irritating foods.

A research paper by the Yuga Institute of HIV Medicine, Nanjing, published in the Chinese Journal of Sex Sciences, 2019: The use of patented Chinese prescriptions for the treatment of a large-sized anal hysteria.

The aim is to explore new methods of off-the-shelf treatment of large, sharp and humid herbs in patented prescriptions. The methodology is based on the study of a case of a huge, sharp and humid anal week treated by the Yoga Institute of HIV Medicine in Nanjing in June 2017. Using patented Chinese preparations, patients are given a week-long treatment to observe and record their return. As a result, the patient was male, 52 years old, and had anal dysentery for 0.5 years. Medical examination: The anal door is covered by a length of 165 mm, with a diameter of 113 mm and a fragrance, and is diagnosed by pathology as sharp and wet. After three weeks of treatment, only 30 mm left and 16 mm left. The 8th week of the visit, the skin was completely removed and the skin returned to normal. Promulgated off-the-shelf washing of Chinese pharmacists has opened up a new treatment for large-scale, sharp-wetting treatment.

This paper, which was uploaded by Lee Xing Chun of the Yucheng Institute of HIV Medicine in Nanjing, is available only for the general medical knowledge, and any advice on disease or medication is not a substitute for an in-person diagnosis by a medical practitioner. In case of infringement, the link is deleted.